With You?

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   "Would you become shadow with me?". I was really confused why it wants me to become it. But then when I look at the shadow closely, its face seems to be familiar. It was the customer that I stared. "But what does the shadow need to do with him/her?", I questioned. "Does it wants me to replace its place!?", that's what I thought. The shadow suddenly appeared again and said, "I want you to be with me.. Forever.". I asked it, "Why do you looks like the person that I once met at my workplace?". It answered, "Because I am the person that you stared at. It also said, "I need your help to become a human once again. When I met you that day, I had the feelings that you're the only one that could help me.". I once again asked the shadow, "Why must it be me? Why not another person?". "It's because I.. I've loves you for a long time.", it answered straight away. "A long time? Since when is that?", I asked. "Since you gave me a rose and I love it.", it answered.

   I started to remember the time I gave him/her a rose

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I started to remember the time I gave him/her a rose. It was a rainy day, I was planning to give the rose with a chocolate bar to my crush. I asked him/her to me on the school rooftop. He/She said, "Sure..". I was really excited and nervous on that day. I can't even focus when the teacher is teaching. The teacher even scold me because I can't answer his questions. The last period has ended and I was really excited. I went to the rooftop and opened the door slowly. Right before I open the door I take a peek outside to make sure that there's no one there and only him/her. I saw him on the rooftop but something was off. There's another person giving him/her flower and a chocolate bar. I think I was too late to give him the rose and the chocolate bar. I closed the roof door and head back to my house. When I was on my way to my house, I saw someone was crying. I think he/she got rejected. I know he/she got rejected because there's flower on the ground and it looks like it was stepped on. I went up to him/her and gave her my rose and chocolate. I said, "Don't be sad. My chocolate would surely bring that tears away from you!". He/She stopped crying and hugged me. I smiled because I got to make someone happy on the day that I felt like I was unable to do anything to make me feel better and lost my hopes on finding someone.

It was the next day. I was at my school entrance and someone tapped my left shoulder. I look at my left and there's the person that I gave him/her my rose and chocolate. He/She said, "Thank you for the rose and chocolate that you gave me yesterday.. It made me really happy.". I answered, "As long as you're happy with it I'm fine.". I went to my class and does the usual things that I usually does when I'm in school. After the last period, I was about to go back home and someone tapped my shoulder again. It was the same person. He/She asked, "Are you going home alone? If you are.. Can I walk home with you?" I answered, "Yeah.. You could walk home with me if you want to.". When we were walking home together.. He/She asked, "What's your name?". I answered, "You'll know soon if we meet again.". He/She said, "If you wont introduce yourself, neither do I.". I still don't want to introduce myself and he/she still haven't introduce himself/herself too. Since that day, we walk back home together for a week.

It was the next week and I waited for "the person" to greet me but I don't see him/her anywhere. I think she was just sick. Then I wait again the next day and she's still not there. I don't know where she lives since I'm the one that usually go home first. I don't know his/her name so I don't know how to ask the school where she lives. I was wondering what happen to him/her on the third day because he's/she's still not there. On the fourth day, he/she tapped my shoulder. I asked him/her why he/she was absent for the past three days. He/She said that he/she got sick and his/her mother won't allow her to go to school until he/she feels better. "I'm glad that you're fine now.", I said.

To be continued...

The reason why I rarely publish:
- laziness took over my body

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