Found It

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   My heart was throbbing really fast when he/she hugged me. People usually just thanked me but never hug. For some reason, his/her hug made me feel comfortable. I don't really know the actual reason why it made me comfortable but I do like it.

   Both of us help each other to find the way to remove this curse. I wonder if people that doesn't have this problem could see us. We surf the internet together to find ways to remove it but none of them fit the situation that we're going through. He/She told me to go check my contact calls to see if there's the "Unknown" number. After scrolling a lot, I finally found it! This made the problem easier. We then tried to call the number but no one answered. He/She suggested the plan that he/she told me. I agreed to do that. We went to the police station and ask the police there if he could help us find this person. We told him that it was my lost phone number so I wanted to try to find it. He refused to give the location because our reason is not enough to make him tell us. He's probably thinking that I should just try to get a new number rather than finding the lost phone number. Since we can't get help from the police, we tried another way. Both of us went back home since it's almost dusk. Before we went back home, we exchange contact so if any of us found any clue we could tell each other about it. I've arrived at my home and opened the door. Something's in my house.

   There's a dark figure standing at my living room. I thought that it was "him/her" so I just went inside my house. Its figure doesn't looks like "him/her" so I turned the lights on to see its figure but it wasn't "him/her". My house was a mess. Then I figured it out that it wasn't "him/her" that ruined my place last time. It was another shadow. Maybe this shadow is our solution. The shadow turned its face towards me slowly after I turned the lights on. "It" doesn't have any face. I ran to my entrance door and tried to escape but "it" was too fast. It hit me and I passed out since my head hit the ground too hard.

8:38 A.M.
   I woke up and the figure is gone. My head hurts a lot after got hit by the shadow. That shadow is different from ours. It could touch anything that we couldn't in our shadow form. It's also really fast. After thinking a lot about the shadow, I checked my phone and "he/she" called me last night. I wonder why he/she called. I made my breakfast since I haven't eat since last night. I then take a bath and look at myself in the mirror. There's a symbol on my chest. It's like a tattoo but I never make a tattoo. I tried to brush it off but it doesn't seemed that I can remove it by brushing it off. After I took a bath, I went into my bedroom and almost all of my clothes were torn. Luckily there's still some clothes that haven't got torn yet. I clean up the mess that the shadow last night caused. It's a bit tiring so I went to take a nap. I woke up and just remembered that I gotta ask "him/her" why he/she called last night. I called "him/her" and no one answered. I called again and again and again but still, no one answered. I think he's/she's maybe still busy so I'll call him/her later. I turned my console on and play some games on it.

10:44 A.M.
   While I was playing game, "he/she" called me. I answered it and he/she said, "Was there a figure in your apartment last night?". I answered, "Yes, why did you asked?". "That dark figure is the figure that cursed us. I know that it's the one that cursed us because I was still conscious after it hit me. I saw it put some kind of curse on my chest.", he/she said. "The same thing happened to me but I was unconscious when it happened." I told him/her. We decided to meet each other on the same day. After I end the call, I called my workplace manager that I won't be coming for a while since I got some problem to be done.

12:48 P.M.
   On the same day...

To Be Continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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