A Stalker?

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It was a really tiring night after my part-time shift is over. I went to my apartment and lay on my comfy bed. It feels so heavy and comfortable till I fell asleep right away as soon as I lay on the bed.
I heard something ringing. I rubbed my eyes and take a look at my phone. "Who the heck disturbed my sweet dreaming moments?" I said . Someone was calling me but it was written "Unknown" on the contacts. I called the number back and someone answered. That person whispered "You. Are. Invisible.". I questioned that person "Uh.. Hello? Do I know you? What did you just said?". That person hung up the call and all I thought was "What did that person just said?". The same question keeps going through my head. I was too tired and went back to sleep.
The next day had begun. I went to my college in the morning with my friends. I said that someone called me last night and whispered something. One of my friend said "Maybe you have a stalker." All of my friends laughed because they thought it was a joke and who even would stalk me. I don't mind what they were thinking about my story but what I want to know was who called me last night.
My classes finished and I walk back home by my own. When I arrived at my home, my phone rang. I look at my phone and it was one of my friend. I answered the call and he/she said, "I. Am. Your. Stalker." . I hung up the call immediately because I know he/she was only teasing me. He/She called me again and I answered "What now, stalker?". He/She said "Chill. I just want to ask you if you want to hangout with your totally best friends?". I answered, "Sorry, I have part-time job and I must change quickly or I'll be late.". I hung up the call and change into my part-time uniform.
I did my part-time job as usual. While I was being the waiter, a boy/girl waved at me asking for order. I went to the table and asked him/her, "What would you like to order?". He/She looked up at me and answered, "Tea, please.". His/Her face was really handsome/pretty, I was stunned and stared at his/her face for a moment. I shook my head and said "A-Alright! One cup of tea is coming!". "Why did I stared at his/her face for a moment back then?". I made his/her tea carefully so I won't get fired and disappoints his/her with my tea making skills. I walked to the table and served his/her tea. I said, "Sorry for staring at you when I was taking your order. It was kinda rude.". He/She answered me back, "Nah, it was fine.". He/She sips the tea and said "This tea is really delicious! Who made it?". I answered, "I made it... Thank you.". He/She leaves the shop and since I was working as the waiter at that shift, I clean up his/her table and saw a card. It was written a phone number and a name on it. I did saw his/her putting the card on the table since I was staring at her all the time. My shift ended and I went back home.
While I was walking home. There's a shadow appeared. I thought it was my shadow so I don't really mind it. Suddenly, there's someone who said "Hey! Hey! Look here! It's the shadow! I must tell you something!". I thought I was crazy for a second but there was no one really near me so I went to somewhere where there are not much people. I heard it again. I still hear someone saying "Hey!". I just answered, "What?" so that the "Hey!" would stop. It answered "I am your shadow. I must tell you something important.". I said "What kind of something do you want to say?". It answered "You're gonna be-

To be continued..

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