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I had a weird growing up first my bio father one time when he was 15 he got a girl pregnant when he was black out drunk when he found out they put me up for adoption, I don't blame them they where 15 training to be pro hero's a kid could have messed that up so o got adopted but then my adoptive where killed and I was put in the system and boy was that rough I had awful luck and I got beat up I got mentally abused and plenty of other stuff that a kid doesn't want, then my bio father found out I was up for adoption and now I have a little sister and I'm being raised by my bio dad and his gay trans husband cuz this is normal and this is fine but now I deal with insomnia, depression and ptsd
but on the bright side I umm have a little sister, i won't be tossed around from family to family and I'm moving into the UA dorms I have been in class 1A for a bit but now I'm getting put into the dorms which would be fine if class 1A wasn't always loud so now sleep will just near impossible.

Kamis POV

Shinsous moving into the dorms today I offered to help him move in but he told me no which like fair I'm not vary strong but oh well I dont really care right now me, Sero, Mina, Bakubro and kiri are vibing at the arcade and I try to pay attention but my acid reflex is making not puking really hard.

I've always had acid reflex and I never really care but when I just chugged a bottle of soda it kinda makes it hard all the sudden I feel like I'm gonna puke so I sprint off and kiri follows as I rush into the bathroom and puke my guts out which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't choke haft way through puking kiri waited outside the stall and after walked me home incase I was sick which was good cuz I ended up almost passing out while we walked up the stairs in the dorms

I know it's short and I'm sorry but I gots to figure out what I'm gonna do for sleep

Anyways bye💙💙

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