Chapter 4

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Shinsou POV

Recovery girl was sitting typing on her computer and she look insanely worried, "when Denki wakes up he can decide if he wishes to tell you because I don't feel suited to decide who should know" recovery girl said as she left to the other room, I just sat there waiting for him to wake up and after about a half hour he was awake.

Two weeks when by Denki did come to school and he didn't talk to vary many people he only talked to me and the Bakusquad I was sitting with him as he was sitting on hold as he was trying to schedule a appointment. Mina lent him her heating pad to try and help with the pain his stomach he had ended up getting surgery and it was only the first one of many to come. When he finally had finished scheduling his appointment he laid his head on my shoulder "hey do you think this will be able to be fixed" he said motioning to his stomach "don't worry I'm sure it will be fine" I said mentally yelling at myself cuz honestly all of this was flying way over my head like I have been through insanity and medical problems and was used to just sitting with people who where sick due to Eri having insane heath issues but some how this felt different.

Time skip

After a while we put on the tv and watched a comedy which was half a good idea and half a awful idea due denki laughing so hard he made his stomach hurt so bad and all they could do was laugh harder.

Time skip

Denkis POV

As I sat in the doctors office the doctor had given me a booklet on feeding tubes and I almost puked from shear fear after thinking about it and sitting there alone cuz my parents couldn't be bothered to care about there child.

Time skip multiple months

I needed to change my tube I hate changing it, I now have a tube going through my nose into my organs as I sat there looking at the new tube telling myself I had to get this done with I put it up to my nose with my other one still in I began to cry I didn't want to do this I wanted this to be over it always hurt to take out and put in I hate this all of it I wish I could just eat normal not like a freak next week I will be put on a new feeding tube but instead through my stomach not through my nose so this would be my last time doing this but I was still scared. I didn't want this to be happening I put my hand on my tube and pulled it out it was kinda long but not super long it was only about two inches but still one it was out I let go of a breath and began putting the new one in, it hurt as normal but once I had it in I put the tape on and stared at myself for a bit my train of thought ended as Shinsou came in hugging me from behind

Shinsous POV

I walked in with eri following behind I hugged Kami as he put his hand on my cheek eri almost yelled "look look look" she was hopping up and down holding a bag of stickers and Kami bent down to her level "webroughtstickersforyoutomakeyoutubemoreprettyandfunandtomakeyouevenmorehappy" she spoke at a inhuman pace and somehow Kami under stood and she dumped out the stickers as they both picked some out, once they found some Pokémon stickers she began putting them on his feeding tube instead of the tape that stood there once before and she clapped her hands and sent both of them into giggling fits Kami now sitting on the floor in crisscross applesauce while they organized the stickers by how good they where in there opinions with most of the cat and pastel stickers in the front.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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