Chapter 1 -Entrance Exam-

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You open the letter from your dream school, holding your breath. You read it out loud for everyone in the room. The audience, of course, being your aunt and cousin.

Dear (L/n) (y/n),

We regret to inform you that you have not been accepted into Shiketsu high.

You felt your stomach drop. You didn't read the rest of the letter. You didn't need to.

Your aunt rubbed your shoulder. You weren't surprised. You had screwed up the entrance exam, as soon as it started you accidentally sprained your ankle, and couldn't do as well.

"Maybe you should try for some other hero schools, (Y/n)! Shiketsu isn't the only one out there!" Your cousin cheered. "You don't have to go to the same school as me."

"I know, it would just be way easier adjusting to Japan with you there,"
You sigh and go to your room. You halfheartedly applied for other schools. You came across the UA online application. Almost as a joke you filled out the application. You doubted you would actually be able to get into UA but it was worth a shot.

~present day~

You walk with bated breath towards UA High School. You had very little hope that you would be able to pass. All of the other schools had tests that relied on physical quirks.

Just as you were getting close to the doors you heard a kid yelling.

"Out of my way Deku before I set you on fire." A blond kid yelled. You immediately disliked him.

Using your quirk you mask yourself and trip the prickly blond after he shoved past the greenhead.

You laughed and lost concentration after watching him fall flat on his face. You reappeared right as he got up.

¨Do you wanna die extra?" The spiky blond spat.

¨What are you, my therapist?" You sniggered.

He just tsk's and walks away, literal sparks flying off him.

You turn toward the greenhead. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," he responds. "I just haven't seen anyone stand up to Kacchan like that."

"What, that overgrown porcupine?" You hold out your hand "I'm (L/n) (F/n)."

"I'm Midorya Izuku," he grabs your hand and shakes it lightly. Then a brunette bumps into me.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, are you ok?" The brunette looks at me apologetically.
"Yes I'm fine." You smile at her.

"Heh sorry about that. I'm Ochako Uraraka by the way."

"I'm (L/n) (F/n)," You turn to introduce the greenette but you realize that the presentation was about to start.

"Come on you guys we have to get to the auditorium before we get stuck in the nosebleeds."


You sit next to your purple haired neighbor and sigh.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"I just haven't been able to sit down since I got here. I walked here and then I had to deal with a prick outside."

As you look him over you realize how tired he is. His purple hair stuck out in every direction.

"I'm (L/n) (Y/n), you are?"

"Shinsou Hitoshi, a pleasure," He fake bowed as well as he could sitting down.

We look forward as the lights dim. You saw a cockatiel looking man step up and lean into the mic.

"HELLO LISTENERS!!!" You cringed at the volume as he introduced himself.

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