Chapter 2 -Quirk Tests-

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You went outside to your mailbox. You had been checking it everyday after you had applied to the different high schools. You had gotten all of the letters back except for one. UA, You wanted to wait to get the UA letter before you actually chose a school. You opened the mailbox and flipped through the mail until you saw it.

Your heart jumped into your throat. The letter was here. You ran inside to show your aunt.

"The letter came!" you yelled at your aunt. Camie wasn't home so she wasn't there to see you open the letter.

She dropped the newspaper she was reading and gathered around the table with you. "I heard they had holograms so we should open it at the table." She said, you could tell she was just as excited as you were. Your aunt has always been the biggest support pillar in your life. She was practically your mom as she had raised you.

"Typical. Does UA have to be extra with everything they do?" You scoffed as you sat down with the letter.

"To be fair their motto is plus ultra." She said.

A contraption the size of a hockey puck fell out and sure enough, an image of the #1 hero appeared. He waved to the camera.

"YOUNG (L/N) YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO UA! YOU HAVE EARNED 96 POINTS IN TOTAL!" As you heard your score you hit the table.

"DAMN!" My aunt hits me. "I thought I stopped at 69!" She hits me again. She was smiling though. She won't admit it but she does have a dirtier sense of humor than most adults. Before you can complain, All Might starts talking again.

"YOU EARNED 69 VILLAIN POINTS AND 27 RESCUE POINTS." You sniggered at the top hero saying 69.

Then it hits you.

You passed.

You jump up and grab your aunt "I PASSED!!! I GOT IN!!!!" You cheer.

"I KNOW BABY YOU DID SO WELL!!!" my aunt cheers with me.

When we finally calmed down we decided to go out to eat. (When my cousin got back of course.)


You sighed as you walked around the maze of a school. You knew UA was big but holy fuck. Taking a left, you ended up running into a pole. You tripped backward.

"Hey, are you alright? I shoula watched where I was going huh," The pole asked. As you looked up you realized the pole was a boy. He had shaggy black hair and a stupidly big grin. He had a lanky body. You noticed The fabric around his elbows bunched, and a weird shape.

Must be his quirk.

"Oh man, did you hit your head or something?" He asked, "Hellooo!" He waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your stupor.

"Naw." You say with a goofy smile.

"Where are you heading to, uhh," you pause not knowing his name.

"Sero. Sero Hanta," He replied.

"So where are you heading Sero?"

"1-A, how about you, uhh?" He asked for my name.

"I'm (L/n) (Y/n), and I'm in the same class," you answer.

"Lucky me."

You laugh at his attempt at flirting, figuring he was always that way. He leads you down two lefts and a right down the hall to a set of huge doors. He opened them, revealing the asshole you tripped in the entrance exam and some other students at their desks.

You tried to hide behind Sero so the bastard hedgehog wouldn't see you but lady luck had it out for you apparently. Maybe It was to balance out how nice the day here started.

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