Chapter 3 -Class Fights-

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You walked into your last class of the day, hero training. You immediately walked over to Kirishima and Sero.

“Wassup you two?” you ask.

“Hey (L/n)! Sero and I were just talking about what we’re doing this weekend. We’re gonna go get boba tea.” Kirishima smiles showing his sharklike teeth.

“You should tag along!” Sero pipes in.

You thought Sero and Kirishima were pretty cool. You talked to them for a while after school yesterday. “I would love to. Even though I’ve lived here forever I never really explored the area, my aunt was always scared that I’d get lost or something until recently” You smile getting excited for the weekend.

Just then All Might burst in and the class gets started. He started talking about what you were gonna do in class, and that apparently “Looks make the hero” or something. All Might was an airhead so you didn’t really listen to him a lot. Your costumes popped out of the wall and you all grabbed your costumes and headed to the changing rooms.

You went to change in the gender neutral changing room. Your costume was pretty simple. It was a white bodysuit that had a rainbow across it. Wait a damn minute. Baku-rat is gonna get a kick out of that. You had a toolbelt with it that had medical stuff and other random things.

You walk out of the changing room and join the group.

Of course Bakugou has to be the first person to spot you.


You sigh, “Bakugou I swear if you yell one more time I'm going to punch you.” You say not wanting to deal with his flaming crap today.

“BITCH I BET YOU WON’T!” Bakugou yells at you. He just hit your last nerve.

You rush towards Bakugou fully ready to beat him up when Kiri and Sero grab you and hold you back. “Let me go,” you say through gritted teeth. You wanted to knock Bakugou down a peg.

“I don’t think we should do that,” Sero says.

“Yeah, I don’t want to send Bakugou to the nurse,” Kiri says half joking, struggling a bit. He was holding your arm. You could feel his grip tightening a bit as you struggled against the two.

"L/n if you get in a fight you could get expelled" Kirishima say's. He was right. You didn't want to throw away your chance at such a prestigious school.

You stop struggling and breathe for a second. You didn’t want to get in a fight on your second day of school. You decided that if you were to fight someone it should probably be during an actual match. You weren't any less mad a Bakugou, you just knew that there is a better time and place for beating his ass.

“What are you scared?” Bakugou taunts. He smirked thinking that the boys would just hold you back again.

You turn around slowly, ok maybe you could get in a fight. You size bakugou up. Camie would sometimes fight you to try to get you ready for hero school. You didn’t know anything about Bakugou’s fighting style but the same went for him. You we're a wild card to him.

You raised your fists and got in a fighting stance. “Let's go.”

Bakugou snarled and started running towards you.

Just then All Might come down from the sky. He lands between you and Bakugou. The ground shook with the force.

“Now now children, this isn't the time for you to fight. I could make you two sit out this training if you go any farther.” He booms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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