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 "Where is she?!"

This loud yell made Shikaku hesitate as she ran up to her house. Huh? Where is who?

"Wait, what?" Shikaku ran inside the house. "What are you talking about?"

Hikari looked frantic, just like the face Shikaku had made when she was looking for Emberleigh. "I can't find Mom!!"

Shikaku stared at Hikari. "Why are you looking for Mom?"

Hikari spun around and turned red. He clearly didn't expect Shikaku to come along.

"uuuh...UGH! Why didn't you make your presence known?! And... it's nothing."

"What? You were the one who didn't recognize my voice. Also, what about Mom?" Shikaku inquired stubbornly. She managed to keep the terror from her voice- what if her mom was gone also?! "Tell me. Why are you looking for her?"

Hikari looked like he was about to explode. "Because she disappeared!"

Shikaku froze.

What if....

No, she needed more information... before she could be sure...

"But why did you want to find her in the first place?"

"....because...because I needed help with something...! Keep your nose out of my business!"

"Jeez. What a baby..."


"Nothing.... Nothing... uh, well, are you sure that she's GONE? Did you look everywhere?"

"Well, obviously!"

"In the kitchen?"


"In the dining room?"


"In her room?"


"In my room? You better not answer yes."

"Well I did, so that sucks for you!"

This little talking game went on for quite a while, until Hikari had enough.


Shikaku grinned at Hikari's frustration. "What about the attic?"

Hikari looked furious. "She wouldn't fit, and why would I check there?"

"You're so stupid."

"What do you mean?!"

"There isn't even an attic in this house, Hikari."


"You're the one being dumb- oh, alright. Are you sure that she isn't just hiding in Atachi's closet or something?"

"NO!" Hikari looked as if he would very much like to hit Shikaku. "The point is, where is she?!"

"I wouldn't know," Shikaku replied with an eye roll. "I was looking for... Emberleigh..."

Her voice broke off at the end. Shikaku didn't want to think that Emberleigh was kidnapped. It sounded so confusing, so fictional, and so... terrible. Hikari looked confused, but then Shikaku recovered.

"Hikari, in the meantime, why don't you just ask Dad, then?"

Hikari stared at Shikaku dumbly. Suddenly, he turned away and walked off, fuming, and muttering something about dad not being the same.

Shikaku sighed and threw herself on a couch. Her mom could not be gone. She couldn't.... They had just rejoiced together..

But then Shikaku quickly threw off the thought. No, that was different. Emberleigh's house had a clear sign of struggle, and a witness. But this is different... Mom could've just sneaked out for some weird reason...

Hey, hey, murmured a little nasty voice at the back of her head. The raven could've taken Mom... and hid the fact...

Shikaku stopped breathing for a moment. This could not happen. She would not let her mom get taken away. First her friend, then her mother.... No.



She wouldn't lose everything now. She wouldn't lose her whole family. She had to know... she had to find the raven.

But what if you get kidnapped?

Shikaku bit her lip. The raven was very strong....what if she ended up like Emberleigh and the others?!

It won't be hard, Shikaku thought. It's just a raven. And, I'll find them....

Shikaku looked out the window. Her training in Lymius... She wasn't afraid of fighting. And, even if Mom wasn't taken... even if she was still okay...

She needed to get Emberleigh back.

And so, a few minutes later, she packed her things, and left.

Shikaku and the Raven of the Midnight VoidWhere stories live. Discover now