#19 "I can't do this anymore"

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You sit at the table at the head of the room, your head is spinning after the events of the day. Plus the corset of your dress is so tight making it hard to breathe. You have not eaten since early this morning and your body is protesting now. Sweat rolls down your brow as you watch the beautiful colors of the ladies' dresses as their partners swing them across the dance floor and you take a breath to steady yourself.

The King reaches for your hand, "Are you, alright sweetheart?" He whispered in your ear, and you lean your forehead against his. You continue to take deep slow breaths trying to make the room stop spinning. He places a hand on the side of your face, "Your white as a ghost, and you are sweating you poor thing." He takes his napkin out of the silver ring holder on the table and uses it to pat your forehead. "Can you stand? We can go outside and get some fresh air."

You shake your head no, "I don't think I should risk it."

The king waved over a servant, "Open those double doors right there and let some damn air in, if the queen passes out I will have someone's head."

You half smile at his concern, "I will be alright. I just need a moment to cool off."

He kisses your cheek, "Don't move. I will be right back. I know you have not eaten all day. And since you are now... we both know what you are. You will eat something."

Both you and the king agreed not to mention the royal heir in your womb until after the wedding, it would already be assumed that the child was conceived out of wedlock. But you really didn't need to add to the rumors. You place your hand on your forehead and close your eyes.

"Well, if you would take a look at our 'Queen.' Sweating like one of the little pigs on her farm isn't she?" The voice of the countess cuts through your last nerve.

"I can't do this anymore." You stand and brace one hand on the back of your chair. "I am the crowned Queen and you will not speak to me in this manner Countess." You raised an eyebrow and straightened your back as a surge of strength flowed through you. You were starting to believe your own words for once. "I am not a whipping girl for your words any longer, I am your Queen, and you will show me respect. You will no longer say your foul words in my presence, or I will see you hang from those gallows on my own orders, NOT my husband's!" You hear a slight ringing in your ears and you know you are pushing it, "Do I make myself clear? Or should I strip you and your husband of your title right here right now?"

The countess dropped into a curtsy, "I am so sorry M'Lady, I forgot my place." Her husband grabbed her arm and yanked her backward. "Please forgive my wife, your grace, this will never happen again."

The King placed a hang on your shoulder, "See to it that it doesn't, or I will make the Queen's request a reality and strip you of your title and your lands."

You look up at your husband's handsome face, and then everything goes dark.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑒, 𝑀𝓎 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔 Book 1Where stories live. Discover now