#22 "and neither should you"

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A month has gone by and you are really starting to enjoy the cooler weather. You pull on a long warm cloak and head outside, but before your hand can turn the door handle a voice stops you.

"And neither should you!" The king yells at someone from down the hall from the throne room. You decide to go investigate what that is about before heading outside into the fall air. As you approach the throne room, the sound of glass breaking stops you in your tracks.

"You honestly believe that everyone will buy this story of your wife becoming pregnant 'after' your wedding. You were the one who married your concubine." The female voice belonged to your mother-in-law. She was not always happy with her son's choice of wives. It had nothing to do with your personality, she pointed that out to you before. She personally liked you, but it was the fact that you and the King had shared his bed prior to being wed. This of course always made you roll your eyes.

"Honestly mother, I could care less. As long as my son or daughter is healthy and happy, as long as my wife is healthy and happy... the rest can go..."

"Don't you dare finish that son. You are the born king of this land, and you will remain the dignified young man that I raised!" She turned to leave the throne room and spotted you. "Ah, here is the lady in which we speak of. What say you dear, is that child in your belly from before or after the wedding?"

"As I told you before mother, It is not a matter that anyone of the Court should concern themselves with. AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!" He stood from his throne and walked down the steps to his mother, "I will not say it again, am I understood?"

She shook her head yes, "My dear, you do look like the pregnancy is progressing well. I hope that the morning sickness passes soon." She gathered her skirts and quickly left the room.

The king walked over to you and picked up your hands, "I am so sorry my Love, I didn't want you to hear all that yelling. People can talk all they want. What matters is us." He pulled you to him and placed a hand on your stomach. "Our love, and this little one."

Your eyes went wide, did he... Did he just say love?

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑒, 𝑀𝓎 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔 Book 1Where stories live. Discover now