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I walked through the Towards City cafe. I was going to look at the menu when some crazy girl with short, dark hair rushed in. "We are being attacked! Run!" She screamed like a maniac. I had never seen her before, I thought I new everybody. I laughed to myself and walked up to the menu while the waitress delt with the girl. "Hello miss, what would you like to ord-" The women was caught off when giant-black-and-white bears jumped through the window. They leaped on a lot of people and started killing them. I ran to the bathroom, only to catch the short haired girls eye. She was terrified. She hid behind a counter with some kind of megaphone gun. I rushed into one of the stalls and sat on the toilet. I picked up my legs so they wouldn't show through the gap at the bottom. I sat there, shaking. Moments passed as I heard the screams of people. They eventually died down. 'I must be the last one left' I thought miserably. Suddenly, I heard a noise. It was like footsteps coming towards the bathroom. I heard them move around the solid, tile floor. They came closer, and closer. Then I heard another noise. "Phuhuhu" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.
Word Count: 226

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