Chapter One

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Leaves were rustling, and the dirt was crunching under his boots. It has been hours of wandering through the woods, assigned to slay the giant by his commander.

The knight knew the real reason he was assigned to this mission. Everybody in Luhan looked down at him, though for no particular reason. He was walking through these woods because it would be an easy way to get rid of him.

He ignored those negative thoughts and focused on his mission. To slay the giant. Before being assigned to this, it was inconceivable to consider sending an army, let alone one knight go after a giant. He chose to focus on those thoughts, his commander knowing he was ready.

A small unknowing smirk appeared on his face, proud of himself. Proving to everyone wrong for not believing him.

For an understandable reason, he, Raollin Zylroris, the knight, was told not to wear heavy armor. It would only slow him down. He will need to be swift to kill the giant. The knight was irritated by this, but he couldn't disagree with his commander.

Raollin was so lost in his thoughts. He accidentally walked into something big but warm. The knight back, landing on his but before a confused sounding hum filled the wind. Then laughter trembled the ground beneath him. Before he could get a look, something big grabbed him and hoisted him high in the air.

The knight was met with two hazel eyes staring back at him. His brown, fear-filled eyes looked down at their large smirk. "What was that about?" The giant laughed in his throat, making Raollin grimace.

"I am here to slay you, monster!" The knight kept his voice from stammering, but it wasn't easy. Yelling at a giant that was holding him in their clutches was more challenging than it looks.

"Lots of bark but no bite, huh?" Another laugh escaped from the giant, causing Raollin to stiffen. He felt as the grip around him loosened, possibly too distracted by laughing at him.

"You are mocking your killer." Raollin hissed. His voice was filled with venom, but the giant seemed to be immune to it. The giant's face quickly became serious, glaring at the human in his fist.

"Am I?" Everything around the knight grew tight, creating it harder for Raollin to breathe. He felt his bones crush from their tight grasp. A quiet whimper crept out of his voice.

"P-Please..." The knight felt like he was on the verge of finally getting crushed. Thankfully, the giant loosened his grip around him, making Raollin pant by the loss of air.

"Fine, but only 'cause this is becoming boring." The giant's eyes trailed down his cloak. Raollin followed where he was looking, ending at a glass jar. Immediately, the knight began squirming again, horrified that he might be trapped forever.

The giant somehow unscrewed the lid, only using with one hand. When the lid popped off, making Raollin struggle more. It felt like it was slow motion as he was lowered and dropped into the jar.

Once he landed, the giant screwed back on the lid, making a faint screeching sound from it. In a frenzy, Raollin frantically slammed his fists against the glass walls, creating clinking sounds within.

"P-Please! Please let me go! I'll never enter these woods ever again! I beg of you to release me!" The knight felt his green eyes water, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Yeah, how about? No." The giant crouched, making Raollin step back until his back was pressed against the opposite side of the jar. A sneer grew onto the giant's lips as he reached down to grab the container.

Instinctively, the knight held his arms over his face in an attempt to shield himself. The moment he clasped onto the jar, the gravity shifted, causing Raollin to slip. Without anything to hold onto to maintain balance, he fell forward and landed on his knees and hands. It didn't take long before he fell to his side.

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