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"What do you think you are? A superhero?"

"Hey! It hurts. Be gentle."

Perth complained as she attends on his wounds. Her irritation was clearly seen on her actions.

"Oh really now. But when you were in that fight, you didn't notice this cut on your forehead, on your eyelid and on your lips. And now that I'm fixing you up, it hurts?!"

She pressed the cotton with much force than necessary to Perth's bleeding lips which caused the guy to squirmed.

"I'm starting to feel that you hate me."

It was meant as a joke for Perth but she took it differently. She started to cry silently taking Perth by surprise because he rarely see her cry.

"You crazy idiot! Can't you see I'm worried! Please don't ever put yourself in such danger again."

"I'm sorry for making you worry. I can't promise that I will not be involve with a fight again. You know how I can't stand those jerks. But I promise I will be careful."


The band will be going to Nonthaburi for the next leg of their promotional tour for their latest album tomorrow. With another free day they have, each of the members went on their own way of relaxing. Captain left with White while Yatch strolled on his own, leaving Perth in the hotel room buried in his books.

Perth look at the window after finishing another chapter and saw a blue, clear sky.

"I guess it's a nice day to walk around. I'll check for near bookstores and drop by the beach later. Maybe stroll by the Jomtien Night Market too."

He stood up from the bed and prepared himself to enjoy the fine weather. Perth was not a recluse, he was just the type of person that will always prefer to stay home than go out if asked. However that doesn't mean he hates being around people. He doesn't even have any problems talking with them and spending time with them. He can enjoy both and today seems to be a good day to go out.

He passed by Saint's room and was thinking to invite the guy but he realized it might become awkward, he dismissed the thought and continued his way outside the hotel. Little did he know that Saint left the hotel earlier.

Perth went to the nearest bookstore and spent hours checking new detectives books and deciding which to buy. If his stomach did not complain as it was past lunch time, he would have forgotten his itinerary for the day and just stayed in the bookstore. He went out a look for a place to have lunch until he found himself in a modest restaurant. The ambience was really nice and it has few customers for this time of the day. He entered and took the seat by the corner, when a waitress approached her for his order.

"Good afternoon, Sir! Here's our menu. Take your time and let me know if you are ready to order. "

"Thank you."

Perth smiled and took the menu and starting browsing on it. After a few moment, he called for the waitress and ordered Pad Thai and Khao Pad. The waitress left to get his orders and Perth took out a book and start browsing on it while waiting. He suddenly remembered Saint and what he said about missing his laugh. It has been on his mind but was not able to ask yesterday when they were watching the rain, he didn't have the courage to ask.

"I still can't figure out why Saint would say something like that. Though he doesn't look like he was joking but why say he miss it when we just met each other."

Perth was still in deep thought when the waitress came with his orders.

"Here are your orders, Sir. Hope you enjoy your food."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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