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"So here you are and buried in those novels again!"

She shouted, panting.

Perth was sitting under their favorite tree.

"I really can't understand why you like them so much!"

She complained while sitting beside him.

"Why don't you try reading one, maybe then you'll understand."

Perth answered without looking at her.

"You know I tried but they really don't appeal to me."

She said still complaining.

"You just hate reading that's why."

Perth teased. She picked up one and threw it to his head.

"I'll see you later after your reading!"

Perth just looked at her, smiling as she left.


After the live, the band and staff including Saint, went back to the hotel. The manager announced that they'll meet in the hotel lobby after two hours for the party so that everyone will have the chance to freshen up. Everyone went to their own rooms.

Saint went directly to the bathroom to have a quick shower. He remembered the sad look he saw in Perth's eyes and made an automatic clenching action towards his heart. He knows he is hurting but for what reason, he could not understand.

"Why do I feel this way? The pain I'm feeling is more than sympathy. Why do I feel like I know and understand the pain he has even though I really don't? Ahhhh! This is making my head hurts now too!" 

He decided to finish his shower and went directly to the hotel lobby and wait for the others even though he still has to wait for an hour and a half. He decided this was much better than being alone in the room and thinking. As he approached the lobby, he saw a familiar face, reading quietly. Perth was already there, alone. 

"This is just great!" 

He thought but he can't turn around now as Perth looked at him and nod quietly. He quietly approached and sat beside him as there was only one long couch available. Perth went back to reading while Saint saw the pile of books on the table. Being someone who loves to read, excitement filled him and he was not able to get a hold of himself and shyly asked.

"Ahmm, Perth, do you mind if I borrow this one? A friend told me this was really nice but I wasn't able to read it since I was so busy." 

"Oh so you read detective novels too?" 

Perth asked back, a bit surprised. Saint was automatically elated with the mention of books. 

"I love to read! I enjoy reading anything." 

"That's nice to know. Sure you can read that one while we are waiting." 

"Thank you!"

 Saint replied while picking up the novel. He sat quietly next Perth as he started reading. The two of them was quietly reading, both enjoying the silence and the books they were reading. They would change position once in a while until they were back to back at each other. They stayed in that position for an hour without even noticing it as they were too engrossed with reading, until the rest of the boys came.

"Oh, that's nice to see that you two are starting to get along well!" 

Captain shouted as he approached them. The two were startled with his voice and instinctively sat properly, both blushing. Yatch was giggling while White was smiling as they walked towards them. Captain playfully seated himself between Saint and Perth. 

"Saint, so you also enjoy reading this stuff?"

"Ye.. Yes, I do." 

Saint quietly replied, still recovering from the surprise. But even before Captain could ask another question, Perth retorted back.

"Why do you have to shout, Captain?" 

"I didn't mean that. I was just glad to see you getting along." 

Captain innocently replied. Though all of them, except Saint, knew that there was nothing innocent with what he did. Perth rolled his eyes out of annoyance while both Yatch and White were laughing quietly. White looked as Saint and asked. 

"How long have you been waiting here, Saint?" 

"About an hour but that's fine. I did enjoy reading this."

Saint responded happily. Perth looked at him with a smile as he confirmed what he heard.

"You really did?"

"Yes. I told you I love reading. Please let me borrow this so I can finish it."

"Sure thing. What chapter are you now?"

"Chapter 5."

"Oh that would be the part where one of the evidences will be tampered and will make the whole case so complicated. That is also where..."

"Stop with the spoiler, Perth! Let me read it in peace. I really like to feel like I'm the one solving the case."

Saint pouted. Perth smirked.

"But that was a really good chapter..."

Saint covered his ears and put his tongue out. Perth laughed. Captain, Yatch and White were happy to see the exchange between the two and meaningfully looked at each other.

"This is Perth. Glad he's okay."

They were all thinking at same time, nodding to each other.

On the other hand, Perth was glad to have someone who can share his interest in reading. His bandmates always find this hobby of his boring and unfitting to a rock music fanatic like him. But he doesn't care, he still bring books wherever he go and when they have free time, he will sit back and read.

"As I can see everyone is here, let's now head to the van and start to party."

Captain announced, sounding really pleased.

The four followed the vocalist's lead and went to the van that will bring them to the restaurant where they will celebrate the success of their concert.

Inside the van, Saint was still reading. Yes, it's his talent to read inside a moving vehicle without getting dizzy at all as long as he could have his back seated properly. But his reading was disturbed by the guy sitting next to him. Perth took the book, closed it and placed the book on Saint's lap.

"I'm letting you borrow the book until you finish it so no reading in a moving vehicle. We don't want you throwing up inside."

"Ohhh, I'm sorry. The story is really interesting that I can't put it down. Your taste in books is great, Perth."

Perth looked surprised with the compliment, his cheeks became warm.

"Than... Thanks."

"You're welcome and thanks for letting me borrow this."


Saint smiled sweetly. Perth nodded and looked outside the window, wearing a poker expression.

"That's refreshing. Having someone to talk about books. I hope I can talk more about books with this guy."


I missed this.
Someone said I have to find time to do what I want so here I am. Finding time to write.

The Past, The Present, The PromiseWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu