Can I Have You Forever? - Ch. 5

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Can I Have You Forever?

Chapter 5 -

I couldn't help but stare.

Danielle was beautiful. Couldn't she find someone else that matched her level of beautifulness? Is beautifulness even a word? Ohmygosh, I'm starting to be like Diana, making up words...


I snapped out of my worry of becoming like Diana and paid attention to Mr. Rivera. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?"

I gently touched my forehead. "Well, the throbbing stopped, so yeah, I think I'm okay."

Mr. Rivera nodded. "That's good." He focused on Danielle and smiled. I wasn't hard for me to notice the love that that passed between them. It made me kind of sad. I mean, I really don't know Mr. Rivera but I did like him. He was sweet, charming, sexy, beautiful...

"Whoa!" I shouted when I felt someone pull my arm and lifted me up from the ground.

"Sorry," Troy apologized. "I didn't want you to watch their love fest."

I looked at him as we started walking. "What's wrong with their love?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, but they have a lot of issues."

That piqued my interest. "What kind of issues?"

"First their in love, like the newly annoying couple love. Then they're in Hades."

That last bit confused me. "Hades?"

"You know, Hell. They start arguing a lot and make each other's life miserable. And the people around them."

"I guess that must suck for yous." Dammit! I'm turning into Diana.

"'Yous' isn't a word."

I raised my eyebrows. "I know it's not. Do you normally correct everyone?"

He shrugged. "It's a habit."

"A habit?"

He half smiled. "I'm a substitute English teacher so I normally correct everyone."

"Just because you're an English teacher doesn't mean you have to correct everyone," I said, suprised he was a teacher. I mean, he didn't look like a teacher with his short cut black hair, beautiful green-blue eyes and amazing smile. He looked more like a college student.

Another shrug. "I'm used to doing it from my teen days. My grandmom used to correct me all the time and I got the habbit from her. Don't get me wrong, I know my grammer isn't perfect but, when someone else says something wrong, I can't help but to correct them."

I shook my head. "You're a little weird."

He bumped me lightly with his side. "The good kind of weird?"

"Good kind of weird?" I questioned.

"Yeah. The bad kind of weird is when they're like extremely weird and..." he trailed off and frowned. "Okay, so there's only one type of weird. But my weirdness isn't that bad, is it?"

I laughed. "No. I like it."

He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth. "I'm glad."

We walked farther down the beach in silence, but it wasn't the uncomfortable kind. It was the nice kind.

"Are you hungry?" Troy suddenly asked.

Just in time, my stomach growled and I laughed. "I'm starved."

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