Can I Have You Forever? - Ch. 4

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Can I Have You Forever?

* So I just want to take a few seconds on saying thank you guys for being a fan! Don't think I don't appreaciate y'all! I do! (:
Chapter 4 -

Thank goodness it was Saturday.

The week dragged on and on. It felt like it would have never ended. My after school detentions were awkward with Mr. Rivera. Ever since we had that talk in his classroom it was a little weird between us.

I sighed and pulled a purple tank top over my bikini. I was meeting the gang at the beach. The best thing about living in Florida is the beach. Well, to me it is.

I looked in the mirror one last time. Whew, I looked good. My wavy hair was down my back in waves with my favorite pair of Juicy Couture sunglasses. I had my purple tank top and a white skirt over my purple multi-colored bikini. I smiled, gave myself a wink and a kiss. I looked pretty good for me just to go to the beach.

"...dress hanging off your shoulder, barely sober, telling me how you moving away and starting over. girl, quit playing..." Drake's part to Jamie Foxx's "Fall For Your Type" rang from my cell phone. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. "Yeah?" I said.

"Come on! We're outside and we're ready to hit the beach!" Diana's voice came through the other side.

"Okay, okay! Gosh, I'm coming now." I hung up and shook my head. Diana was so impaitent and she's only been waiting outside my house for about seven seconds. But I couldn't blame her. I was excited too. So excited that I was about to walk outside without any flip flops. I absolutely loved the beach, as you can see.

I skipped down the steps and jumped into the backseat of Mike's car with James and Nikki. Diana had shotgun. Lucky her.

The forty-five minute ride to the beach went by fast, even though it was silent the whole way. Well, unless you don't count Mike yelling at every car that cut him off on the road.

"Ohmygosh!" Diana yelled when she got out of the car. She pulled her sunglasses to the end of her nose. "Hottie's alert!"

I followed Diana's gaze to see a group of guys, or hot guys I should say, playing football on the beach.

"Well," Diana said grabbing her beach bag and closing the car door. "I don't know about yous but I'm going to go introduce myself."

I glanced at Nikki. "'Yous?' Is that even a word?"

Nikki laughed and linked her arm through mine. "In Diana's dictionary, yes."

I laughed with Nikki and took off my flip flops. I moaned when my feet landed in the sand, letting my purple polished toes sink into it. "Beach, oh how I've missed you."

Nikki laughed as we started walking toward our group. "We were here last week, Beck."

"The beach is like my second home. I'll always miss it when I'm not here."

Nikki shook her head. "You're unbeliev-"

"Heads up!" someone shouted.

Everything after that happened in slow motion. Or, that's what it felt like. I had turned to the voice who yelled when I saw something coming it at me before smacking me in my face and falling into the sand.

I was dazed for a second, only feeling the throb of pain against my forehead. I had a weird sense of Déjà vu laying in the sand. It was just like when Mr. Rivera knocked into me in the hallway a yesterday...

"Are you okay?" someone asked next to me, holding out their hand.

"Yeah," I said grabbing the hand, letting the person pull me up from the ground. "I just have a little headache," I said putting my hand to my forehead.

"Here, let me see." The girl that helped me up was...beautiful. She had blond hair with gray eyes. She was about 5'6" with a little beauty mark on the right side of chin, a little under her bottom lip. You know how Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark looked nice on her? It's the same with this girl. It made her oddly more beautiful.

She removed my hand from my forehead. "Hmm, it's not bad. Do you want some ice for it? Here, come on," she said grabbing my hand and walking me toward antoher little set-up. She went into a big bag and grabbed a Ziploc baggie then went into the long blue cooler. "Here," she said, handing me the bag that was now full of ice.

"Thanks," I said taking it from her and gently putting it against my forehead.

"Hey, is she okay?" A guy with short black hair, brown eyes and a nice tanned body jogged to where the girl and I were gathered.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Troy. Next time, watch where you throw."

The boy grinned a dazzling smile and looked at me. "Troy Daze," he said holding out his hand. I shook it. "Sorry for hitting you on the head."

"It's okay," I said.

He stood there, looking at me. Don't get me wrong, he was hot so I didn't mind the staring but it was also kind of creepy. "Um, yeah?"

"I'm waiting for a name." He smirked.

I blushed. "Oh, um, I'm Rebecca Santos."

"Nice to meet you, Rebecca. So-"

"Troy, come on! We need a quaterback!"

He grinned at me and waved before heading off to the guys.

The girl sat down on the sand next to me. "I'm sorry for being so rude. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Danielle. Danielle Merigo." She held out her hand.

I just sat there, dumbstruck. This couldn't be her, could it? The Danielle Merigo? The one that's in a relationship with Mr. Rivera? No, no. It couldn't be. It-it just couldn't.

I put my hand in hers and slowly shook it. "Are you, um, dating anyone?"

When she gave me a weird look, I repeated the sentence in my head and blushed. "No, I didn't mean like that! I don't like girls! Not that your not pretty or anything but I like boys. No, I love boys! I mean-"

She cut me off with a laugh. "It's okay, I understand what you mean. And yes, I'm dating someone."

"I know this is a little weird but do you mind if I asked who?"

She opened her mouth to reply but stopped when she saw something over my shoulder and smiled. "He's walking over right now."

I was about to turn around and look when I heard the voice of the man who haunts my dreams and fantasy's, "Hey, babe," said Mr. Rivera.

* Sorry about the short chapter but I thought I needed to update this asap so I did the best I could. Sorry if it's boring, I've been having a writer's block for the last few weeks & I might stop writing for a while.
Btw, you should listen to the song on the right, I think it's amazing & can't get enough of it. I blame my cousin -_-


- Votes, Comments, & opinions are appreaciated (:


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