Can I Have You Forever? - Ch. 3

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Can I Have You Forever?

Chapter 3 -

"How was work?" I asked my dad, twirling my fork in my plate of spagetti.

"Fine. How was school?" he asked.

I shrugged. "It was okay."

This was pretty much how our conversations would go if it's just us two. When Mom is here, she makes us give her details about our day. It was pretty annoying but you got to love her for it.

After I finished dinner, I excused myself and went upstairs into my room. My room was a little over an average teen's room. I was obsessed with purple. Not just one type of purple, all types. Didn't matter if it was too light, too dark or even too perfect!

Everything in my room was purple. My walls, my carpet, my bed sheets, my blankets, my towels...just about everything. THe only things that aren't purple is my black laptop, that's on m purple desk, and the posters of Jensen Ackles and Jersey Shore. Jensen Ackles is a hottie! I've been in love with since...I can't even think of a day when I wasn't in love with him. He's just...amazing! I mean, who wouldn't love him? He was really hot, but not as hot as Mr. Rivera...

I shook my head and threw myself on my king size bed. I can't believe I went there. I could be thinking sbout random things and my thoughts would just somehow drift to Mr. Rivera. It wasn't normal...right?

I groaned and got off my bed. I might as well get changed into pajamas since I'm not doing anything fun tonight. I stripped off my clothes and dressed into little purple shorts and a white tank top. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I glanced in the mirror.

I don't know why anyone who find me hot or interesting. I'm pretty much plain with my dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and sort of tanned skin. People say it's the Hispanic part of me that makes me sort of exotic and my dazzling smile. I don't really wear make-up either.

I sighed and went over to my laptop, turning it on and immediately logging on Facebook. I'm what you would call a Facebook addict, or at least, that's what everyone says. And I guess it's true. I'm always on Facebook but only to get the newest dirt about people in my school, Gosh, that sounds bad doesn't it?

I sighed and was about to log out when, all of a sudden, an idea popped into my head. Does...does Mr. Rivera have a Facebook? If he does, I could learn more about him...

I tapped my fingers on my keyboard then finally gave in. I went to the SEARCH box up top and typed in his name, Jonathan Rivera. Jonathan was a really cute name, I thought. It fit him perfectly. Jonathan Rivera...Jonathan Santos...Rebecca Rivera...Mrs. Jonathan Rivera...

I slapped my hand on my forehead and slowly shook my head. I didn't think it was possible to daydream of a guy this much. Maybe Mr. Rivera was right and I had a mental disorder because this is not normal... At least I don't think...

I took a deep breath and focused. Turns out there seemed to be, like, millons of people with the name Jonathan Rivera. Okay, I was exaggerating a little bit but that's what it felt like.

I was on page 4 and was about to give up until I spotted him. I bit my lip to keep from smiling. I clicked on his name and waited paitently, or tried to, for his page to load. I was so excited to look at his interests and things like that that I didn't notice his relationship status at first. But when I did, I don't know why, but it hurt. It said:

In a relationship with Danielle Merigo.

*          *          *

I wasn't myself the next day at school. Why, I didn't know. It couldn't be the thing about Mr. Rivera in a relationship because I hardly know him. It can't be that. It just can't. 

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