Chapter Three: The Mystery Guy

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Casey struggled to keep up with her sister as she weaved in and out through the crowd.

"See, I told you those id's would work!" Cecelia smiled. "Come on, let's get some drinks."

Casey followed Cece to the bar. She felt odd following her younger sister around. Shouldn't she be the one showing her around? It didn't matter.

Cece placed a drink in her hand, interrupting her thoughts.

"Won't mom and dad see the charges—"

"Casey, Casey relax! Mom and dad could care less what we are doing right now. Besides I didn't buy them. He did!" She nodded her head towards a handsome guy sitting at the bar. He winked back and Cece blushed.

"Come on, let's go dance !!" Cece grabbed Casey's free hand and pulled her to the dance floor. After a couple upbeat songs, Casey retreated back to the bar.
"You can stay, I gotta rest for a bit. Will you be okay?"

"Of course!" Cece smiled.

"I'll be right back. Don't do anything stupid."

"I'll stay in eyesight." Cece held out her pinky for a pinky promise.

"Ok," Casey laughed and shook on it. She sat at the bar while Cece danced within the crowd.

She watched the carefree people as they danced, spilling drinks and laughing. She wished she could be like that.

"Another drink?" The bartender interrupted Casey's lingering thoughts.

"No, I'm good."

She turned and leaned against the bar, accidentally elbowing someone, sending their drink everywhere.

"Oops, oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Casey flustered as she looked up to find a very handsome guy staring back at her.

"It's no problem." He smiled, his brown eyes shining at her.

"Hhere, here's a napkin", Casey stuttered as she handed him a handful of napkins.

"Thanks." He dabbed his shirt where the drink landed, his biceps flexing. Casey found herself staring.

"Do you want me to get you another drink?" Casey asked if though she had no money on her st the moment.

"No really, it's fine." He smiled again, showing his perfect teeth.


Cool? Really Casey that's all you could say?? She sighed.

"Are you okay.. you seem a little flustered."

"Oh me ? I'm totally fine. Just chilling here." Casey mentally slapped herself. Why can't she talk normally ??

"Do you usually chill here?" He laughed.

Casey blushed. "Actually no, this isn't really my scene."

"Really? I had no idea." He smiled again, making Casey laugh. "It's not really mine either."

"Why are you here then?" Casey asked, immediately regretting what she said. Way to sound rude and bossy she thought.

He took no offense. "I just had to get out of the house. Do something different for a change, and this is a nice scenery." He smiled and Casey looked away nervously. "What about you?"

"Oh my sister dragged me out here— " oh no. Cecelia!

"Is something wrong?" Mystery guy asked.

"Oh, I left my sister out there I should prob go check on her." Casey said motioning to the dance floor.

"I'll come with."


They walked through the busy crowd trying to avoid more spilled drinks.

"See her anywhere?"

"Hmm." Casey scanned the crowd. "Oh there she is." Cecelia was dancing with handsome guy from the bar. She threw her head back and laughed.

"She seems to be having a fun time." Mystery guy said.

Casey glanced at him. "I should probably go—"

"Would you like to dance?" He held out his hand.

Normally Casey would not grab a stranger's hand, but this was a hot stranger. And she normally wouldn't be in a club in the first place so her normal morals were already thrown out the window.

"I'd love to."

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