Chapter Five: Doppelgänger

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"AHHH!!!" Cece shrieked.

"What the heck??" Casey ran downstairs to find Cece screaming at the TV.

"Seriously? I thought there was a fire or something!"

"Casey. Look!!"

She pointed to the tv pop news channel showing Shawn mendes dancing with a dark haired girl at a club. Prob that nasally singer he was or is dating. Not that Casey really cares. Wait a minute—

"Casey oh my gosh! Shawn mendes was with Camila last night at the club WE were at!! I can't believe we didn't see them!"

"Oh my gosh." Casey stared at the screen closer.

"I know! Crazy!! I wish I could've met him..."

Casey couldn't hear Cece's voice. She only focused on the screen. Mystery guy. Peter. Shawn mendes?? How did she not recognize him??

" I guess I really don't pay attention to pop culture" she thought. But wait— TMZ thought she was Camila? Her? No way.

Casey ran up to her room. She needed to process this. She spilled her drink on Shawn mendes. Not that she really cared about celebrities, especially Shawn who she never listens to. But still.

Or maybe it wasn't Shawn, maybe it was a doppelgänger and the news just got it wrong. Just like they got her as Camila wrong.
She hoped so, or she really did embarrass herself in front of Shawn Mendes.


It had been several days since Casey had met Shawn.. but for some reason she couldn't get him out of her head. She had been constantly looking at the entertainment news blogs trying to keep tabs on where he may be, but it was useless. She may never see him again..

She opened up her Instagram and searched his name.

Wait what was she doing? She can't exactly dm Shawn Mendes casually!!

"I need to get over this."

"Get over what?"

"AH!" Casey tossed her phone quickly trying to hide Shawn's Instagram page. "Cece, have you ever heard of knocking??"

Cece playfully knocked. "There. Now what are you so jumpy for?" She walked over to where Casey's phone had landed.


"Hmm, Shawn mendes.. so you are a fan!!" Cece laughed.

"No, I mean, no. I just looked him after seeing him on TV. Wanted to see if he posted anything about the club that we were at."

"Right." Cece did not believe her dumb excuse.
"Whatever. I came up here to ask you what you wanted for dinner because Mom and Dad are going to be gone and—"

"Why don't we go out again?"

"What?" Cece looked at Casey confused.

"Yeah, it was fun."

Cece put a hand to Casey's head. "Are you feeling okay?"

"What? You were right, I need to get out more before I leave for college. Don't you wanna spend time with me before I leave?"

Cece looked at Casey funny, still not really believing her. "Alright. I'll start getting ready I guess." She left the room, perplexed still.

Casey sighed. Maybe just maybe she would run into him again? Ugh who is she kidding this is Los Angeles. He could be anywhere. Or he could be in another city by now.

"All I can do is try."

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