Chapter Four: Getaway

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Mystery guy led Casey to the dance floor. A ridiculous techno song was playing.

"How am I supposed to dance to this?" Casey laughed. She had only danced at her high school prom, and even then it was barely anything.

"Just move with the music!" He moved closer and swayed to the music. "Try it!"

Casey laughed. "I can't, I'll look stupid!"

"Everyone here is too drunk to care!" He laughed.
He was right. Casey swayed her hips to the music and moved closer. His face was only inches away now.

"I never got your name." He put his hands on her hips and Casey blushed.

"I'm Casey."

"My name's Peter. Nice to meet you."

Casey laughed. "you too."


Peter broke away quickly, looking at his phone.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be right back."  He weaved through the crowd toward the exit.


"Cece? There you are. I thought you were dancing with that guy?"

"I was but then he found out I was only 17.

"Found out."

"Yeah I might have told him.. um anyways we gotta go."


"Come on!!" She grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd. "Our Uber should be here, we gotta get home before mom and dad suspect anything."

"Alright." They left the club quickly. Casey looked over her shoulder one more time but Peter was no where to be found.

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