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"Oh man!" Bokuto threw his towel over his shoulder, shaking the ringlets of water out of his hair. Most of the teams were already in their rooms and asleep. Of course, him and Kuroo were still up. They normally were the last ones up, both having to take extra long showers. "Today was good! I got so many spikes in!"

Kuroo huffed out a quiet laugh next to him, though that's all Bokuto got for a response. Kuroo's been quiet the whole day, which was definitely not like him. Even during all his practice matches, the taller alpha made far more mistakes. His snarky comments were brought down to a minimum and he seemed mildly distracted.

"Hey," Bokuto nudged Kuroo's arm, "you okay? Got something on your mind?"

"Huh?" Kuroo blinked at him, and Bokuto watched as he quickly looked away, cheeks flushing just slightly. He always seemed to do that whenever Bokuto would look at him, eyes wide and focused on the younger alpha. "Oh...y-yeah. I guess."

"What is it?! It's obviously been bothering you all day- is it because it's the last day of training camp? Yeah, that makes me sad too-"

"Bo," Kuroo laughed out, cutting his friend off. "It's not that- well, I mean kind of I guess... I've just had a lot on my mind."

"Wanna tell me?"

The two has stopped on the sidewalk, facing one another from where they stood. The doors to the rooms they were staying in were only a few feet away, but that didn't matter right now. Kuroo shifted from one foot the the other, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know," he muttered, "it's...silly."

"Bullshit," Bokuto said, voice slightly playful. "Whatever's bothering you isn't silly. Come on, Tetsu!" Kuroo was staring at him now, eyes wide and lips pressed into a thin line. He looked nervous, Bokuto hated that. He hated seeing his friend so down. He's only known the alpha since they started high school last year, but over the times they've spent together, Bokuto could easily say Kuroo was his best friend, whom he cared deeply for. And best friends were always there for each other. "Come on, tell me. I wanna help!"

Kuroo hesitated, eyes darting off to the side before letting out a heavy sigh. "... there's someone I like..." Bokuto's eyes widened, surprised. Kuroo's never mentioned any crushes before, but really, Bokuto hasn't either. It was something they never really talked about, which sometimes surprised Bokuto. To all his other friends, Akaashi Keiji was all he could ever talk about. But with Kuroo... it just seemed weird mentioning the omega.

"He uh... he goes to a different school, but I see him quite a bit."

A grin spread across his face, eyes lighting up with delight. "Who is he?! What's his name? What's he like?"

Kuroo hesitated again, scratching the back of his head as he breathed out another laugh. His cheeks were darkening in color. "He's pretty wild... but he's nice, and funny. I-I guess I just never met someone like him, and being around him makes me happy... and he's an alpha." The last part came out quick, las if it was an uncertain afterthought. Kuroo grimaced as the words left his mouth.

"Oh," Bokuto said almost immediately. It's not that he disagreed with alpha relationships. Hell, even he's found himself eyeing other alphas before. Though, he never really expected Kuroo to crush on one. The taller was always so smooth and a sweet talker, someone who could easily pick up any omega he wanted.

Kuroo had a nervous look on his face, like he was worried Bokuto would think of him weirdly. "I-I don't mind!" Bokuto hurried out, "I could never judge you for something like that, Tetsu. Anyone can love who they want!"

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