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Akaashi stared at the Tv with boredom, arm hung out as he clicked through the channels. It was weird being in the apartment all alone. With Kuroo at work and Nobu having a sleep over with Naoko, Akaashi had nothing to do. The stillness of it was almost unsettling.

It didn't help that he couldn't go to work, considering Koushi and Iwaizumi canceled all of his shifts. Although, he couldn't say he was too upset about it. Akaashi knew he was being stupid, trying to work during his heat. Not only was his scent stronger during it, attracting unwanted attention, but it was important to get  lots of rest during.

He still remembered when he hit his first heat in middle school. He'd been at school when it happened and they sent him home immediately, warning him to get rest and plenty of fluids. They wouldn't let him return to school until his heat passed, and he didn't understand why until his mother explained it all to him.

It was an embarrassing conversation to have, but it was important knowledge. He learned how unhealthy it was, to be too active during a heat. Although it was an omega's most fertile time of the year, it was preferred that they had as little sex as possible, much to all the degrading stereotypes. They were vulnerable, both mentally and physically.

Their body grew weak and they easily grew dehydrated. And with the constant headaches and hazy mindset, it was hard to focus sometimes. So on the second day of his heat, Akaashi had to get a whole lecture from Konoha over the phone, accompanied by Nobuyuki wishing him get well soons and crying babies.

Now, it was Saturday, which was his last day of this hell. He had a blanket wrapped around him and a wet rag wrapped around his neck. He didn't feel as bad as the first day, he usually didn't, but it didn't make it any less uncomfortable.

He sighed, setting the remote on the coffee table before cuddling the blanket closer. Maybe he could just sleep more, it would definitely help time pass. Or maybe he could go get some origini... no, Konoha would kick his ass if he left the apartment.

He sighed harder, growing annoyed with his best friend.

There was a soft knock at the door and Akaashi stared at it warily. He frowned, wondering if he should answer it. It couldn't be Kuroo, as mentioned before, he was at work. And Konoha and Komi were too busy with the twins. There was another knock, which was just as soft as the first one, though a bit more hesitant.

With a groan, Akaashi pushed himself off of the couch. He held onto the blanket tightly, shoulders slumped as he shuffled to the door.

He definitely didn't expect to see Oikawa on the other side. The brunet stood there, body stiff as he clutched a small tupperware in front of him. He grinned, though it didn't quite meet his eyes, and he shimmied his shoulders.

"I brought cookies~"

Honestly, Akaashi wasn't all that pissed with Oikawa. He wanted to be, he wanted to be enraged with the other omega. Yet he just couldn't find the energy to be.

Oikawa cleared his throat, his smile falling a bit when Akaashi didn't react to his little cheer. Not even a scoff. "Uhm...c-can I come in? Please?"

Akaashi shrugged before moving out of the way, holding the door open to let Oikawa in. Even then, the brunet hesitated before entering. He was a lot shorter without his heels, though he still stood taller than Akaashi. It was obvious he didn't bother getting ready today, judging by his hoodie and booty shorts. Not to mention his messy hair, a very unlikely look for Oikawa.

Nobuyuki (BoKuroAka)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora