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The three have been walking around the city for a good few hours now. After Akaashi came home to find Hinata and Atsumu outside of his apartment, the two had dragged him out for a day in the city.

Currently, Hinata was telling him about their game the other day. He was very excitable about it, hands flying all over the place as he re-enacted some of his plays. Atsumu just laughed at his boyfriends ministrations, a look of fondness in his eyes.

"It's was insane, Akaashi! You should've seen it!"

Akaashi breathed out a laugh, switching the bag in his hand over to the other. Atsumu and Hinata had bought him a couple things, even after he told them no. They insisted on getting him something for his birthday.

"I'm sure it was cool," he agreed, "Uhm... do you two know what Kuroo is doing today? He hasn't answered any of texts today." Akaashi hated to be that type of boyfriend, he was just worried. Normally the man would answer him within a good time span, but even after the few texts he's sent out, Kuroo still hasn't responded.

Hinata's face blanked for a moment before panic started to rise in his body. "Uhhh-" Atsumu placed a hand over the younger boy's face, keeping him from saying anything.

"He's at work. They're probably really busy today."

It was an obvious lie, Hinata's reaction to the question giving it away. It only worried Akaashi more. Had he made Kuroo angry somehow? Maybe he was just getting tired of him, maybe-

Atsumu reached over Hinata and ruffled Akaashi's hair. "Don't worry, alright?" Akaashi nodded his head, sighing.

They ended up spending the whole day out. Akaashi did end up having fun, and the two did good enough at distracting him from the lack of response form his boyfriend. They had gotten some lunch, they went to a few more shops, and they had got some onigiri. Hinata was talking about how they should go catch a show when Atsumu received a text.

"Maybe another day. We should probably take Akaashi home now."

Hinata perked up even more at that. "Oh, yeah! Alright, yeah... he's probably tired."

Akaashi snickered. During his time with the two, he quickly figured out they were hiding something. Atsumu did a pretty god job on concealing the fact there was some sort of surprise, Hinata just couldn't hold in his emotions to save a life. Although, Akaashi still wasn't sure exactly what they were hiding.

The walk back to his apartment, Hinata wouldn't stop buzzing. Atsumu had his arm wrapped around the shorter of the three, trying to contain him as much as possible. Akaahsi laughed, shaking his head at the two.

Today, he did find out that Hinata and Atsumu were rather nice company. He hoped he could do this again some other time.

"We'll walk you up," Atsumu offered once they reached the apartment building. Akaashi didn't have time to deny his offer before the blond was already leading the way. Hinata giggled, grabbing Akaashi's wrist as he tugged Akaashi faster into the building. Even once they were outside his door, the two still didn't leave. Atsumu sent a quick text right before they reached said door.

"Well... thank you for today. I really enjoyed your company."

"We did too!" Hinata cheered, and they both still stayed in place. Akaashi quirked a brow before opening the door. It was pitch black inside, even the kitchen light he normally kept on was off.

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