Third Book in the series A Timeless Adventure by Ross W Fewtrell Chapter 7

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Friday 1 May 2015

Tom woke in his bedroom but the bed was turned in a different direction only his legs ended on the bed. There was a crash as the rest of his body hit the floor. Ben came running around the corner with a shotgun.

“Don’t shoot Ben. It’s me Tom. I told you I might pop in from time to time.”

“Jesus, man, you scared the life out of me.”

“Sorry, but I need your help.”

“Sure man. What can I do for you?”

“First, do you think we can turn this bed around up against that wall? That way when I arrive I will be on the bed and not falling half on the bed and on the floor.”

“Sure man. We’ll do it right now!” He grabbed the bedhead and swung it around and pushed it up against the wall. “How is that?”


“Now you didn’t come all the way here just to move the bed. What’s up?”

Tom explained about the murder and about Mathew Connolly.  He wanted to check the Internet and find some info on Connolly. See when or if he got out of jail.

“Sure thing, man but I know bugger all about computers. I got one that is hooked up to the Internet but I really only use it for por…. er ah emails. Do you know how to use it? Not really. I have done it once before but that was a few years ago. All I know is that you can find out anything from it.”

“Man I am not sure you can trust everything that is on the Internet. But Brendan is a whizz with computers he should be able to help you. I will give him a call.”

Brendan arrived on his motorbike at about nine o’clock. Tom still couldn’t get over the resemblance to Jock. In fact he quite often called Brendan Jock by mistake.

“So what is the burning computer problem that has got me over here so early?" He asked.

Tom explained firstly about time travel. Naturally, Brendan was skeptical but when Ben assured him it was true, Brendan decided to go along with the story. He was expecting a “Gotcha” at anytime, but he played along.

Tom explained about how he had been charged with murder and rape. “They say I am a match with the semen they found so that’s why they have charged me. But I think a saw a man that once abducted me at the surf club.  I think it might have been him. But he is supposed to be in jail.”

Brendan said, “Hey back up a bit. You say the semen is the same DNA as yours? Then you must have done it. Well, at least had sex with her.”

“But I didn’t have sex with her. I am sure I would have remembered that. But the police say my blood group matches the semen.”

“Oh!” Said Brendan. “Blood group that is different to DNA.  I forgot you are talking 1972. These days they use DNA to match those sorts of things. Millions of people have the same blood group but no two people have the same DNA.”

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