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Judith: So this is my striker unit, its from my old unit when I was in exchange with the United States of Liberion Air Force. This striker is based on the A-10 Thunderbolt II from the U.S, my experience are mostly with this unit and close air support for our ground forces, it carries a plethora of bombs and precision guided munitions and most notably the Sidewinder is used for my self defense against aerial threats. While the Maverick is for Air-to-surface targets, my main weapon for this is this. She said as she grabs a smaller version of the GAU-8 Avenger.

Erica: What is that weapon? She asked.

Perrine: It looks like a Gatling gun. She remarked.

Judith: Quite close miss Perrine but this is a rotary 30mm cannon that fires 30mm Depleted Uranium rounds, one of the best Neuroi killers in our timeline, my striker has the top speed of 709 Km/h, I may be the slowest but I'm the one with the most potent weapon. She added.

Erica: Amazing! She said as she hugs Judith.

Perrine: Say you said your surname is Rudel correct?

Judith: Yes my surname is Rudel. She replied.

Erica: Eh? The what's your relation to Hanna Rudel? She asked frantically.

Judith: Oh well she's my great grandmother, so out of admiration I joined the air force, but I'm not that all talented so I'm nothing special. She said as she forms a small blush and fidgets with her fingers.

As the rest of the group were talking to each other they were about to finish as the sun is setting.

Minna: Hey everyone it's almost for dinnertime so please prepare for it! She ordered.

Everyone: Yes ma'am! They all responded.


???1: This is Vega-31, Ostman base do you read? She asked through her radio.

???1: I got nothing how about you? She asked her companion.

???2: This is Illusion to any friendly aircraft or forces operating within the Gulf does anyone read me? She tried again.

???2: Nah I got nothing, this is bad. I think were not in the Gulf anymore. She commented.

???1: Relax, yes we did just get sucked in by that weird ass Neuroi worm hole and now we don't know where the hell we are, but still don't loose hope. She tries to cheer her partner up.

???2: Easy for you to say, your striker and magic is for stealth while my striker and magic is for EW, for all we knew were in deep Neuroi territory. She said.

???1: Could be worse. She said to her.

???2: Please don't jinx us! She begged.


As everyone was heading for the kitchen to get some much needed food, as the members of the 501st enter they saw that the 110th is already gathered in the table waiting for them. Sitting down on their proper places as the food was beginning to be served.

Alyssa: So Commander Minna, you guys already reforming the 501st JFW? She asked.

Minna: Yeah, we already have that sorted out, but what about you guys? She asked.

Alyssa: I don't know to be honest, I'm thinking of letting HQ know so we wouldn't have any problems, maybe serve with the 501st as a sub unit. She replied.

Minna: That's not a bad idea, I think you should come with me and let our superiors know of your presence and intentions to serve along with the 501st. She offered.

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