chapter 5: waking up

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You wake up, dazed, but alive

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You wake up, dazed, but alive.

"w-what happened?"

you ask, feeling ice on your forehead.

Ranch blinks,

"you got a concussion by the bat."

you blink as your vision is fuzzy.

"am I alive?"

you babble,

"yes, but stay in bed for a while, Nacho is everywhere, but out of the castle now."

you realize your mouth is creaked open.

Barely in a healthy state, you catch a glimpse of yellow.

You blink,

"Ranch? is this going to be forever?"

you try to talk to him clearly, but everything is numb.

And your head is hurting terribly,

"go to sleep and rest for a while, I'll guard you."

you nod, but the force is hard in your head that you wail trying to nod.

Then, you finally fall asleep after a lot of fidgeting and pain.

You dream of the night before, of Nacho slamming your head with a bat, you see that Ranch is carrying you to safety while Nacho follows Ranch.

But as he is dropping you on the bed, he is hit too on his edge.

he risked part of his body for me?

you feel happiness knowing this friend is more, but a hero.

You open your eyes again.

"are you alright?"

you see light gleaming on Ranch's chip skin,

"yes, I'm fine..."

you say. "read a book while I fetch more ice.

You nod and takes a book off the shelf to read,

Nacho was a happy chip...

it said, you turn the page,

but he was once rejected by his parents and sent to live alone...

you gain intrest as you flip the page,

...that's when he had the plan to move to the castle...

you blink and turn the page,

...he had his revenge and never forgot about what his parents did to him.

you gulp,

this story was upsetting!

Nacho was rejected?

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