chapter 6: healing

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You walk out of the bed, head still soar from the concussion. Ranch is watching out the door, "you can stop guarding, I'm fine." you assure him. Ranch blinks his blue eyes. "the nurse will heal you," he says, touching your shoulder. "nurse?" you ask, Ranch nods. "Rainbow Dorito. She is old and crispy, but she knows a lot, go to her, you'll feel much better." you look up, "how long has she been here?" Ranch looks at the rainbow dorito. "longer than I could remember, she was like a mother to me." his blue eyes cloud as a drop of leaking water dripped into his eyes. You walk slowly into another white light, with an old ragged sign that says "nurse" and you step in, in a rocking chair, you see someone rocking on it while knitting, "H-hello?" you ask, scared she will come and attack, but the chair turns and a dull rainbow dorito steps up. "Well hello there young one," she rasps, "What seems to be the problem deary?" you like this dorito, like your typical nice old lady, "Well, I-I was hit by Nacho in the head...And got a concussion, I just need you to check it out." the nice old dorito nods, you sit down on her very old nurse chair, she comes and examines your head. "Hmm, looks like you need a little shot in your head," your blood runs cold when you hear the word "shot" being announced, but you shake it off, hoping she doesn't notice your fear of shots. "I'll put it in your arm though,"

she walks over to her cabinet and grabs purple and green medicine, and the shots were in there too, she opens the lid of the fluids and pours it into the needle. You close your eyes tight, hoping not to see the needle, she places a bandage over your arm and flips it, she slowly but firmly injects the liquid through the needle and some pain drives you hard. you open one eye as the old nurse takes the shot out. "There you go, be sure you put plenty of ice on it, then you will be fine,"

You gaze at her rhuemy purple eyes. "Okay," you finally murmur, "Please stay safe from Nacho, don't end up like us, okay?" the rainbow dorito nods. "I have dealt with him many times, deary, I'll be fine, now, off you go." You smile at her and head into the bedroom, but just then, you hear the castle door open, you hear. "Who will I kill today?!" you run as fast as you can hearing Nacho heading over and upstairs, you hurry and head to the bedroom to meet Ranch there. "It's Nacho! he's here!" Ranch gasps. "Shh, he might hear us!" "But what about Rainbow Dorito?!" you barge out of the door, to see Rainbow Dorito's doctor open and unguarded. "Rainbow Dorito!"

You spot her, "Back off!" she yells, but Nacho doesn't back off, fear strikes yourself as Nacho tackles the old dorito, you sneer loudly, this chip had locked you in here, you can't just let him kill Rainbow Dorito, you run over to the bright orange dorito, he is about to hit Rainbow Dorito like he hit you, and you can't let him do that to her, you grab the bat behind his back, "What?! Give it back!!" You shake your head swiftly and jump at the orange dorito, you hold the bat behind your back and hit the orange dorito hard in the face, you slam him harder with the bat until cheese dust swipes across your body, you hit him so hard that the blood from his eyes spread, and blood pours from them, causing his eyes to pop out, at first you're terrified, but you swiftly skid away with the bat.

Ranch runs to you. "What happened?! You got his bat?!" you nod slowly. "He was attacking Rainbow Dorito, she didn't deserve it though," Ranch grins. "Wow, you were very brave, we will honor you." You nod again, but deep inside, you think about his past.

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