47 | the chitauri

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AFTER Loki had sent a blast from his scepter to the Quinjet that the three agents and Captain America were on, Clint had managed to get the jet to the ground as safe as possible

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AFTER Loki had sent a blast from his scepter to the Quinjet that the three agents and Captain America were on, Clint had managed to get the jet to the ground as safe as possible. Lyra took a deep breath as Steve kept his arms around her when the crash happened. She smiled thankfully at him as she detangled herself from the man, grabbing her crossbow from the floor.

"That was fun," she remarked as she jumped off the open ramp.

"Was it?" Steve asked curiously. "Well, it's going to get better from here." He pointed to the large hole in the sky where something began to slither from it. Not only were they going to have to fight those creatures that reminded Lyra of monkeys, but they would have to also fight these giant creatures that reminded her of a large sea creature with the way it moved.

"Joy," she muttered, drawing her crossbow back. The Chitauri began to shoot their energy rifles at unsuspecting, innocent people as they flew or jumped from building to building. She growled lowly as she watched the scene grow worse.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

"Banner?" Steve asked.

"Just keep me posted. Lyra, do you have your signal pieces? I had Jarvis configure you a new suit while in Stark Tower. It won't be tested, probably not super safe, but—"

Lyra began to send arrows to the Chitauri. "I have them, but I'm going to hold off until absolutely necessary."

"Uhh, I think this is necessary!" Tony remarked.

Lyra grunted as a Chitauri jumped her way, but she blasted it before it could reach her. "Nope! Focus, Tone!"

Tony grumbled something intelligible before shouting, "Jarvis, find me a soft spot."

Steve grabbed his shield as a Chitauri landed on Lyra and took them to the ground, causing her to yell out as she took the crossbow and banged it twice onto the creature's head. Steve sent his shield at it before grabbing her arm to help her up.

"Thanks," she breathed.

"This way," he called as they ran behind overturned cars. Lyra wiped her face as Steve assessed the situation. He eyed Clint and Natasha next to them with a nod. "Those people need assistance down there." He pointed down the way by the bridge. A herd of Chitauri landed in front of them. Lyra growled out before throwing her crossbow aside and jumping onto the nearest Chitauri, wrapping a fallen wire around its neck as she choked it. The Chitauri fought but soon died, and she grabbed its energy rifle. Once she fell down, she sent shots around to the nearest Chitauri as Natasha joined her.

"We got this. It's good. Take Lyra and go!" Natasha shouted.

Steve glanced at Clint. "You think you can hold them off?"

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