Chapter 4

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        The sun's rays on my face are what brought me out of my dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes to see that I'm in a room. The walls were brown and everything in the room was either white, black, or some sort of brown. The bed I was on was unbelievably comfortable and warm, Although I've spent the last few nights sleeping on the ground so anything would seem more comfortable than that. The room was beautiful and kind reminded me of a fancy hotel room. I was brought out of my ogling when the door opened and in came a girl. She looked to be about my age and height maybe a little taller then me who stands at 5'6ish. She had black hair with brownish red streaks on top and beautiful deep brown eyes.

"O good your awake,now here is some clothes and I would recommend a shower unless you like that whole dirty homeless look," she dropped the clothes on the bed and just waited for me to do or say something. She had that vibe about her that she was not someone you wanted to mess with but also could be super fun.

"Are you mute or something because I don't do this whole silence thing so lets start with your name," there was something about her that I liked.

"Aria" my voice came out kind of horse.

"See that wasn't so bad, now get up you have half an hour to get ready," she turned around and opened the door.

"Wait who are you?" 

"Roni" she said over her shoulder closing the door and leaving me alone again.

        I walked to one of the doors in the room trying to find the bathroom because a shower sounded wonderful right now. I walked in to a fairly large bathroom and seriously wondered if I was in a hotel. I started the shower and while waiting for it to get to the right temperature I striped off my clothes. Looking in the mirror I had bruises on my arms. Two on my left and one on my right from what I was guessing came from Ben and Marcus. I put pressure on them to test the pain level and hissed for they stung a lot but it wasn't the worse I've had. The one I'm assuming came from Ben because it was lower than the other two, was a deep purplish yellow and hurt like hell. The other two weren't as bad, they still hurt don't get me wrong but that level of pain wasn't anything new. When I stepped into the shower I couldn't hold back from moaning. The temperature was perfect and the water pressure felt amazing on my sore muscles. Once I had reluctantly finished my shower I got dressed in the clothes that Roni brought and after I finished brushing my hair with a brush I found in the bathroom there was a knock at the door before it opened reveling Roni.

"Awesome your ready now come with me break feast is finally ready and I'm starving," she said as she grabs my wrist dragging me out of the room.

        We eventually make it to a kitchen and I swear this place is as confusing as the first day at a new school. When we entered the kitchen there were children running out of a door next to the fridge on the right. The whole kitchen had this whole Italian-American thing going on. There were two women in the kitchen, the one cooking was an older women who reminded me of Betty White while the other women looked to be in her 30's.

"Irene tell me it's done because I'm seriously going to starve to death if it isn't," Roni asks will sitting on a stool at the island.

        I felt awkward standing here because 24 hours ago I was kidnapped, told that werewolves exist, drugged by a doctor, and know I'm standing here while everyone around me acts like everything is normal. I'm seriously beyond confused right now. Part of me is telling me I'm in crazyville and to get out, while the other wants to stay and get answers to all these questions swirling around in my head. Why isn't anyone questioning why there is some random girl here? How often do they kidnap people to be at the point that no one seems to mind?

"Just finishing up why don't you and your little friend go take some of the food into the dinning hall,"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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