Chapter 2

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        When I started to come around all I could feel was the pain on my left arm and an aching in my head. I opened my eyes to metal bars and behind those looked like a stair case going up to the left. I was laying on a cold cement floor with chains around my wrist. I sit up and feel a wave of light headness making me feel like I would pass out again. After a few seconds of adjusting, I look around and notice I'm in one of three cells that are all side by side. I turn my head and my breathing hitch's in my throat as I look dead into the eyes of the man I ran from in the woods.


He sat on a metal chair wearing dark blue jeans and a plain long sleeved black shirt that looked like it would tear if he moved his arms. It looks like he hasn't shaved in a few days but he did look cleaner than when we were in the woods. He didn't utter a word; he just stared at me like I was some mysterious creature who would reveal all my secrets at any moment.

I was trying to keep my breathing under control but it seemed to becoming more difficult as the tension in the air made me feel like I was drowning. Who is he? Why am I here? Why can't he just say something? The questions just kept swirling around in my mind as I sat there just staring at him for what felt hours until a loud bang form a door being open disturbing the silent atmosphere. 


Light shown down from the staircase bringing more light into this barely lit jail. Heavy foot steps began to descend and my heart rate grew louder in my ears as the steps grew closer. There stood a man who looked to be in his mid-forties and about the same height as the man who brought me here, but an inch or two taller. He was built with greying dark brown hair that descended down his face into a beard on his square jaw. His ocean blue eyes looking at me making me feel the need to submit to him, but that wasn't surprising considering the fact that his whole being emanated dominance.

"Who is she?" the man asked causing the man who was staring at me to answer.

"I don't know. I found her near the west border." The man who appeared to be in charge took a few steps closer to me and sniffed the air.

"She's human!" the man growled and glared at the one who brought me here.

"I know Alpha that's what I thought at first but when I got closer her scent changed. I-I don't know I've never smelt anything like it, but it had power in it. Power only a alpha or beta could have,"

        I must have hit my head harder than I thought because I can't be hearing him right. Alpha's and beta's, why are they talking like that? I thought as the blue eyed man looked right at me.

"What's your name?" he asked but I didn't answer.

I was to freaked out and shocked about all of this. He didn't appreciate my silence and opened the cell door; I backed up as far into the wall as I could which wasn't very much.

"ANSWER ME!" he growled and grabbed me by my shoulders lifting me off the ground so I was eye level with him as he shoved me against the wall. The look in his eyes terrified me to the core.

"A-Aria," I say my voice just above a whisper. 


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