Chapter 3

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"Your joking right?" I ask. There's no way that he is really a werewolf, I mean i'm not in some novel or on some T.V. show. The supernatural or at least werewolves and vampires don't exist, ghost are a different story.

"I'm afraid not," Marcus answers.

" That's just great she doesn't even know anything, so she can't even tell us what she is," huffs Ben who finally decided to join the conversation.

"What I am?......what are you talking about I'm not like you, I'm normal I don't drink blood or change into an animal!" I practically scream at him. 

My day just keeps getting better and better. I mean who wouldn't want to be kidnapped by a bunch of delusional people that think their part of the supernatural.

"You have a lot to learn little one," Marcus says.

"We should take here to Addison maybe she can figure out what she is," Ben tells Marcus while ignoring me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you guys; your all insane!" I scream at them.

        This is insane I can't stay here, I look at the door then back to Marcus and Ben for a few seconds before I blot out the door sprinting down the hall. As I'm sprinting down the hall trying to remember the way to the door through all theses halls. I ran down the stairs through a few more halls until I could see the door that they first brought me through. I was just about there when a pair of arms wrapped around my chest successfully pinning me to them smashing me against a hard chest.

"Let me go!" I struggled against my captor but I swear he was made out of steel or something.

"Wo there buttercup calm down," a masculine voice came from above my head.I was kicking and struggling in an failing attempt to get free.

"Get off of me!" I screamed as a door opened behind me.

"What's with all the screaming?" a guy about 6 footish with orangeish redish hair, green eyes, and pale skin walked up to us.

"Nick do I want to ask why your holding a girl against her will?" The new guy asked the one holding me who I'm assuming is Nick.

" I didn't bring her here, I just caught her trying to run out,"

"So is this the girl Ben ordered to not let leave the territory?" 

" I don't know her so I'm assuming so," 

While they were talking I saw Marcus walking toward us with Ben following behind him. My panic increased as I saw them because I had no Idea why they wanted me or what they were planning on doing to me.

" Let me go!" I screamed and started to struggle harder. I had to get him off of me and get the hell out of here.

"Calm down already your not going anywhere," Nick said from above me.

"Alpha" Red said bowing his head to Marcus who was now only standing a few feet from me.

"You can't run from us Aria," Marcus says while his Icy blue eyes glare at me sending a chill down my spine. He scared me but I didn't want him to know that so I glared at him trying to match his intensity.

"Nick, Dillon why don't you two take her to Addison and have her test her blood for anything that would be abnormal for a human," Ben instructed.

"Abnormal? you think she's supernatural?" nick asked

"I dont know just take her and make sure she doesn't escape." Ben replied

        I was dragged down hallways until we came to a room that looked like an examine room and I couldn't help but wonder why they have one in a house. Nick sat me on the table and stood next to me with one hand on my shoulder to hold me in case I tried to run again. Which I really want to right now considering how much I disliked hospitals; Don't get me wrong there great with saving people and all, I just hate being the patient.

Red or Dillon disappeared when we came in to go get 'Addison' I'm guessing. The silence was irritating and I couldn't stop fidgeting, especially with this Nick guy watching my every move. Sitting here now I can fully see him and he's one of thee most attractive guys I've ever met. He had light brown hair with light grey eyes and a 5 o'clock shadow going on. You could tell just by looking at him that he worked out. It looks as if he wasn't the only one being checked out though.

"If you don't stop starring at me I'm going to slap you," I say looking him dead in the eyes.

"I'd like to see you try buttercup," he replied with a cocky smile on his face that only mad me want to hit him more. 

At that moment Dillon walked in with a women who looked like she was in her early 30's with short brown hair and deep brown eyes. She wore a lab coat with a stethoscope around her neck.

"Hello I'm doctor Grey," she said in a friendly voice. I didn't respond and continued to stare at her.

"Alrighty then lets begin shall we?" Once she said that Dillon&Nick grabbed both or my arms holding me in place as Dr. Grey held a syringe in her hand.

"No nnoo stop let me go," I start thrashing around in hopes of wiggling my way out of their grip. I felt the prick of the needle as I was injected with something. It wasn't long until I felt my mind shut down and my body tire taking me into darkness.


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Nick on the side——>

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