Chapter 1

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        Life is never what we expect it to be. It's chaotic and impossible to control. We try so hard for the life we 'think' we want, whether it the crazy fast pace or the simple slow one. We're always wanting the one we don't have but as soon as we have it and the glam of that life style wears off we want the old one back. Well life sucks that way, but you have the option to sit there and cry about it or you can simply move on.


  So I decided to move on which is why I'm currently a few states away from a past that should stay in the past. I've been walking for hours, I'm not that far from the Canadian border I just have to get out of Montana and i'll be free. The evening chill started to suck out whatever warmth there once was as the sun sets painting the sky in some of the most gorgeous oranges, yellows, pinks, and blues I have ever seen. I was walking through the woods to avoid having to many questions asked or to many witness to identify me. It may sound strange but I wasn't afraid to be in the woods, it gave me an odd sense of comfort.

I know there was a town near here somewhere but I wasn't a 100% sure what direction and even if I did I couldn't stay in another cheap motel. I had to save the rest of my money for where I was going. I found a spot to rest for the night and started gathering materials to make a fire. I only had 4 matches left, 3 protein bars, some crackers, jerky, and 2 bottles of water with me. I've been rationing what I can and picked up some stuff along the way, but I hope I won't have to keep running for much longer.


I'm a 17 year old runaway girl with dirty blonde hair that just reaches past my breast and Violet eyes. To most people I look like the spoiled rich kid, not exactly the type someone would imagine to be trudging through the wilderness. By now the sun had disappeared from the sky and was replaced with a shinning moon. It had been full only a few days before so it was still big enough to provide enough light to see. A wolf howled miles away somewhere in the forest.


I awoke the next morning with a start; It was another nightmare. I looked at my watch to see it was about 5:30 in the morning. As I was debating whether I should try to fall asleep again, my thoughts we interrupted by a howl that sounded like the one I had heard the night before, except this one was closer a lot closer. It sounded like it was within 5 miles and that was a bit too close for comfort. It looks like it would be another early morning which does nothing for the exhaustion coursing through my body. After walking for around half an hour the sun was beginning to lighten the crisp morning sky. The feel of being watched was increasing until I heard a snap of a twig to my left.

"Rouge" a masculine voice threaded with disgust and anger came from a man who stood about 6'3 or so shirtless and looked like a body builder. He had a square face, dark brown hair and pitch black eyes that threatened pain. 


  I could feel the the anger and power emanating from him. I didn't know what he was talking about but I wasn't really focusing a ton on that. I took a step back trying to put enough distance between us so when I had to run it would give me an advantage. He noticed what I was doing and an animalistic growl erupted form him as his eyes narrowed at me.

I came to the conclusion that speaking would be pointless due to the fact that he looked ready to rip my head off. I took a deep breath to gain some control over my panic induced heart rate and my thoughts that were flying everywhere. The next moment I sprinted into the forest. Praying I wouldn't trip as I was dodging tree's and being scratched by bushes. Suddenly I felt a hand curl around my bicep with such force it felt as if my bone was about to snap and thrown against a tree. I felt a numbing sensation travel down my body and my vision started to darken as I saw the man stand over me while sniffing the air. 


Author's Note: This is my first story so feedback would be appreciated, also spelling isn't my strong suit so if somethings wrong point it out and I will try to fix it thanks:)


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