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Maddie has just over shoulder length shiny black hair, baby blue eyes and a perfect slim body. She has the perfect body shape for a teen like herself and she is always flawless. She is incredibly smart in all lessons but her best subjects are DADA, potions (no surprise there) charms and care of magical creatures.

Maddie was a thirteen year old girl who just wanted a normal life. Of course because her father is Severus Snape the potion's teacher at Hogwarts this means that she never got the life she wished for. What surprised her is that she managed to get him to smile once in his life and that was her memory that created her patronus which was a dragon.

The first time snape saw maddie create her patronus her was really happy for her and he was not going to lie when he thought that her patronus would be something else like a doe like his. When he put more thought into it he knew it was like her. She was strong and she would always stand up to him. She is not scared to correct him when he makes a mistake and she can be quite fierce sometimes.

When maddie's father goes to work she stays at her godfarther's house Remus Lupin. Maddie knew all about his furry little problem but she loved him all the same. She is always there to remind him that he is not a monster. She also knows that her other godfather (Snape couldn't decide and he forgave them both ages ago) Sirius Black is in Azkaban. What her dad doesn't know is that Maddie has been in contact with Sirius and knows that he is innocent. She also knows that peter Pettigrew is still alive and she told him that she will help every way she can to kill him. In fact she gave Sirius the plan to escape and now he is just waiting for the perfect moment to use it with.

Maddie has secrets that she has never told anyone about and not even her dad knows everything about her. She is to scared to tell him because she thinks he will disown her. What will happen in maddie's life and her adventures? Will her secrets reveal themselves? Will she meet her one true love? find out to see in Snape's daughter and her adventure.

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