Chapter three

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A few weeks later:

Maddie's Pov:

I woke up excited. Why you may ask. It was finally September 1st which means I get to got to Hogwarts. I jumped out of bed at 11o'clock because I didn't have to ride on the train if I didn't want to. I decided against it so I could do a grand entrance. some would say I was a drama queen and others would think I was just plain weird.

I walked over to my closet to get my outfit out. I wouldn't wear the Hogwarts outfits because I absolutely HATE skirts. This is why I am protesting already and I'm not even at school yet.

I was looking threw my closet for at least five minutes before I settled on one. It consisted of a pinkish shirt with some writing on it. Grey leggings and to top it all of I had white adidas trainers.

 Grey leggings and to top it all of I had white adidas trainers

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I ran downstairs to eat breakfast because my dad wasn't home. he said something like 'wanting to be early,' or some shit like that. I had waffles with chocolate sauce on top today. My fav. Dad must of made them for me and left because he knows I'm going to turn up late and he loves me.

After I ate my breakfast I got ready to go. I left all of my packing till now because I couldn't be bothered to do it. I just used my wandless magic to gather all of my supplies from all over my room. I ran down the stairs to the fireplace to get ready to floo. I said the address as clearly as I could so I could get there faster.


Then the familiar tingling sensation happened and sure enough not even two minutes later I arrived in Dumbledore's office. I walked out of his fireplace and looked around. There was portraits lined up all along the walls with past headteachers. There was old machines that he obviously wanted to keep for memories.

I carried on looking around for another minute until I heard the headmaster come into the room.

"Good morning alby!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

"Good morning Maddie." You could see the twinkle in his eyes. "Shall we get you sorted her now or in the great hall?" He questioned.

"In the great hall will be fine thank you."

He is another secret about me and it's that I'm a seer and it means I can tell the future and I can see that everyone will have a good surprise later on when they arrive.

~~Five minutes later~~

It was time to go to the hall because everyone else has arrived and I couldn't be more excited. I had been here at the school more than once and so I memorised it of by heart. I strolled down the halls to the great hall and said hello to all of the portraits. I'm friends with all of the ghosts and portraits in the school. My best friends that are ghosts and portraits are Elizabeth (the fat lady), peeves, the bloody baron and moaning myrtle. When I arrived I just sat outside because I had to wait for all of the other first years.

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