chapter 1

61 2 1

The patronus ^^^




Maddie's POV:

I was up in my bedroom relaxing on my bed reading my potions book. I knew that an 11 year old shouldn't be reading a potions book but I absolutely love potions and so I am an even better potion master than my dad (don't tell him though). That is why I am reading my advanced potion making book waiting for my dad to come home.

"Maddie I'm home!" Came the voice I knew all to well, my beloved father.

"Coming father!" I shout back down to him.

I put my book under my bed after marking my page and skipped down stairs. When I got down stairs I noticed my dad was sat at the kitchen table reading what looked to be three different letters.

"What you got there dad?" I asked cheerfully.

"There letters for you Maddie. I only notice the letter from Hogwarts though and the other two are in a different language so I can't understand it. Anyway happy birthday honey!" He replied back but you could see the hint of a smile when he was talking about letter from Hogwarts.

Oh yeah it was my birthday today I completely forgot. oops!

"Thanks dad"

I ran into the living room and jumped over the back of the couch to read my letters. I opened my Hogwarts one first.

'Miss Maddie Snape,

I am pleased to announce that you have been accepted to come to Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry on September 1st. Underneath is a list of needs for you to buy. I expect an owl no later that June 5th.


Professor Minerva McGonagall.'

Yay I got accepted into Hogwarts I cant wait. I jumped up from the couch an did a victory dance. I heard a cough come from the kitchen and I turned to see my dad looking weirdly at me. I just smiled innocently at him and sat back down. Okay of track a bit there time to read the other two. OOH it looks like this one is from France. wonder what this one is about.

'Miss Maddie Snape,

I am proud to present to you that you have been accepted into Beauxbatons Academy of Magic on September 1st. Underneath is a list of things you need to buy. I expect an owl no later that June 5th.


Headmistress Madame Olympe Maxime'

I got accepted into Beauxbatons as well. I don't know if this is good or bad but I might as well open the last letter before I make my choice. Oh it looks like it is from Bulgaria.

'Miss Maddie Snape,

I am proud to present you a spot at my school Durmstrang Institute on September 1st. I know that this is an all boy school but I allow one girl to come every year. So far the girls either don't accept or the spend a month here and leave because it is to hard for them. There is a list of things you need below and I expect and owl no later than June 5th.


Headmaster Igor Karkaroff'

Wow I got accepted into all of them but what school will I go to. There is a plus to all of them but there is also a downfall. The plus to Hogwarts is that I get to be with my dad all day but the downside is that I would probably be smarter than everyone. The plus side to Beauxbatons is that there will be lots of girls there but the downfall would be that I could not be all lady-like all day long. The plus side to Durmstrang is that I would get good studies and have my own room but the downfall is that there would be loads of boys around me and the uniform is basically for the winter all year around. I don't know what to do but maybe my dad would.

"Dad I got a letter to all three schools but I don't know which one to go to could you help me please?" I asked sweetly and desperately.

"Yeah of course sweetie." My dad came and sat next to me. "Well it would be good for you to go to Hogwarts so that I could keep an eye on you so that you don't get into trouble-"

"What I don't create trouble!" I cut him off offended.

"Yes you are honey and you cant even try to deny it." I shrug innocently. "It would be hard for you to go to France because its all lady like and you not well exactly like a lady."

"Guess I got that from you then cause mom was like a sweet innocent angel." I announced disgusted, " Yeah sweet innocent angel my arse it's not true at all because she left us and ran of with stupid potter."

"Yeah I know she left us but I'm sure she loves you as well" My father tried to reason with me.

"yeah right SHE LEFT YOU TO DEAL WITH ME WHRN I WAS JUST TWO MONTSH OLD! HOW WAS YOU SUPPOSED TO EVEN LOOK AFTER YOURSELF WITHOUT ME no offence or anything but SHE LEFT JUST TO GO TO JAMES FUCKING POTTER AND HAVE A FUKING KID WITH HIM!" After I finished my rant my eyes turned red and the fireplace came to life.

"Ok calm down fire girl before you burn the place" my dad tried to soothe my half-joking and half-serious.

I took a few deep breaths and the everything went back to normal.

"Thanks dad but I think I might go to Hogwarts with you because it will be easier." I decided.

"good idea sweetie but I think you might need to go to bed now."

"Ok good night father"

"God night honey"


960 words.

This was my first real chapter and I'm sorry if it is so long but this is how long I will try to make them. Also, if there is any mistakes don't mind it cause I will go back and edit it all later.

What ideas do you all have for the next few chapters cause I could use some ideas.

Snape's daughter and her adventureWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu