you're not human

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Loosely based off the preference 'what character you remind him of'.

Finally reunited with your boyfriend after a long week of working, you sat cuddling on the television. "What are you thinking right now?" you asked him quietly. "Oh you know, just how much I love you," Your elbow is really killing my side right now. You giggled silently at his thought and moved your elbow so your weren't hurting him anymore. Thank the lord, he moaned in his thoughts as you moved. You looked at him,"Is that better babe?" He nodded sleepily but then looked at you in confusion. "Did I say that out loud?" He asked. "Uh--no, but I figured my elbow was digging into your side," you said quickly, saving yourself from confrontation. You meant to tell Calum that you were telepathic, but you didn't know how to bring it up. He knew something was off with you, though. You seemed to be the perfect girlfriend, always knowing what he wanted before he said anything. He wasn't complaining, but wanted to know the full truth about you. "(Y/N), is there something you should tell me? You practically read my thoughts, and it's fun, but a little creepy sometimes. I feel like you're hiding something from me," he said, sitting up and looking at you. "Cal, can we do this later? I just want to lay with you tonight." No, we need to talk now. I want to know. "Fine, lets talk," you sighed. "It's just that! You seem to read my thoughts, what are you doing?" He demanded and you fiddled with your fingers, trying to word it correctly. "Well, you see, I'm telepathic. I can read your thoughts when I choose to," you told him and he looked at you like you were joking but then realized your were dead serious. "Wait, really? I didn't actually think that was real. What am I thinking now?" He asked eagerly. SpongeBob. SpongeBob. SpongeBob. You giggled. "You're just saying spongebob over and over, Cal." You said. "You're awesome!" He grinned, while thinking, I love you.
Sighing, you finally forced yourself to start washing the pile of dishes in the sink. About halfway through, you decided to have a little fun with it. Moving your hand and focusing on the soapy water, you twisted it to form a sponge and began washing the dishes with pure water. As you approached the last plate, you began twist in more shapes into the water and soon you had little water shapes floating all around your kitchen. Suddenly, you heard the door and gasped, causing you to lose your train of thought and the water came crashing to the floor with a splash. You had forgotten that Ashton told you he was coming home early. "Hey babe! How was your day?" you asked nervously as he walked into the kitchen to greet you. You scrambled to throw dry towels on the floor. "Hi, why don't you go relax and I'll make dinner," you stuttered and attempted to push him out of the sopping room. You knew you could easily clean it up by moving it to the sink, but not in front of him. He would think you were a freak if he knew about your strange powers, or so you thought. He moved out, and you set to work right away. Bit by bit, you got the water back to the sink. You turned around to find him but were greeted by him a couple feet away, watching you in amazement. "(Y/N), have you always been able to do that! You're incredible!" He exclaimed. You blushed, looking at the floor. "Actually, I can control all the elements, not just water. I don't really know why or what I am, but I've always been able to do it," you sighed and looked up at him through your eyelashes, nervous to see his reaction. "That's--wow-- that's insane! You've always hidden it from me? Why?" Ashton asked. "Well, it never came up. On our first date, when you said 'tell me something interesting about you', I couldn't really say I had mythical powers," you said, giggling. He laughed and grabbed your hand,"Show me more!"
The bittersweet feeling of leaving your boyfriend for a whole summer was overtaking you as school came to an end. You were going to fly all the way across the country and live at Camp Half-Blood to train and get some demigod excitement in your life. Sure, you had fun with your boyfriend, Luke, but nothing compared to climbing the lava wall or playing capture the flag.
"I'll miss you so much, Luke," you whispered in his ear as you hugged him for the last time for a month and a half. "You're never going to tell me what you're doing in New York, huh?" Luke asked as he pulled away. He was strangely calmer than he should be, considering he would see you for a long time. "I've already told you that I can't, Luke. Just accept it, please?" You asked as the loudspeaker announced boarding for your flight. "Sure, but I just don't get where you'll be going where there is no service or a computer for months in New York," he pressed on as you pulled your hand away to grab your bag. "I've got to. I'll miss you, and I love you," you said and he said the same back as you boarded your flight.
At camp, the days passed quickly. About a month into summer, you were eating with your brothers and sisters when you were called to the Big House. When you arrived, Chiron stood out front with a deep scowl on his face. You had no idea what you did wrong. "Am I in trouble?" You asked him hesitantly. "Did you tell your boyfriend that you were coming camp?" He said almost immediately. You shook your head, "He knew I was coming to New York, but I didn't mention camp," you told him, "Why?" You asked curiously. "He's here, and he knows you're here too. Do you have any idea how he knew?" Chiron told you and your mouth flew open in astonishment. You were angry with him for being so persistent, but really wanted to see him and the same time. Luke walked out to greet you, but he had a million questions before hugging you. "What is this place? Why are you at a summer camp? Why couldn't you tell me about this place?" He blurted out all at once. "I'm a demigod, Luke. Like, from those books. We're real and I'm a demigod. We come here to train and just get safe for the summer," you explained while he soaked it in. He stared in shock as some of your siblings grouped around you, curious about this mortal visitor. He stared a bit more, then exclaimed, "Cool!"
Butterflies in your stomach erupted as you stepped dangerously close to the ocean water. Michael suggested taking a long beach walk as you had to agree to avoid raising suspicion. What he didn't know is that if one little drop of water touched you, you'd grow a tail. He kept subconsciously pushing you closer and closer to the water until a surge in the ocean lapped at you ankles. You gasped, looking for a place to hide while Michael stood next to you, confused. "(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked, concerned while you glanced around at the luckily deserted beach. You waded into the water to your waist, with Michael following. "Mikey, there's something I should've told you-" you were cut off by bubbles coming up around you as your mermaid tail appeared. He gaped in astonishment and back away as he stared. "Michael, please don't be scared of me, I'm just the same as I was before-just with a tail, you know." you pleaded as he continued to back away. "You-you're a mermaid? Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, finally looking you in the eye. "I didn't know if I could. It's a little hard to trust people with this secret," you explained, swimming to him and grabbing his hand. "It's cool! I mean, it'll take lots of getting used to, but it's insanely cool," he said, excited. You sighed in relief at the fact he wasn't running and telling everyone. "Let's go for a swim!" He said with excitement. "Only if you can keep up with those short legs of yours," you teased him and jumped to swim.

Luke's is too long (what's new about that). Can you tell I'm a luke girl? Obsessed with the show H2O: just add water, so I most definitely had to make a mermaid.
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