you're innocent

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You were watching a movie with Cal and the boys, and it was coming up to a sex scene. You were sat next to Michael on the floor, in between Calum's legs. When the sex scene came up, you began to feel awkward and Calum noticed.

"(Y/N)! I'll have to cover your eyes for this part, you're much to innocent to see this," Calum cried. He covered your eyes with his hands and you couldn't see anything. By the time you pulled his hands off of you, the scene was over anyways and all the boys laughed. You huffed in annoyance.

"You didn't say I was too innocent when we were fucking last night," you said loudly and they all shut up. Then you burst out laughing.

"I can't believe I just said that! That felt so strange to say," you were practically crying of laughter, and you couldn't control it. The boys laughed with you, but Calum learned his lesson that you weren't too innocent.

"If you're so strong then fight me already, big shot," Ashton teased Luke as they 'fought'.

"Maybe I will then! Let's tumble!" you could barely control your laughter as Luke yelled back at Ashton. They circled each other while giggling and tried to slap each other. You lost interest and started playing with your phone case.

"I'm going to choke you!" Ashton said back but then stopped,"Uh- not, like, sexually!" He and Luke laughed at his bad choice of words. You were confused and looked up at them.

"How do you choke someone sexually?" You asked, thinking they were crazy. They looked at you and smiled.

"That, my friend, is the most innocent thing I've heard in a long time." Luke giggled. You were still confused so Ashton had to sit down and explain to you, while Luke laughed behind you both the whole time.

You were on the tour bus, hanging out with all nine boys ( 5sos and One Direction) and just goofing off. Harry started telling some of his famously ridiculous jokes, and then everyone joined in.

"Hey guys, what did Cinderella say when she got to the ball?" Michael said when everyone finally quoted down a bit. You all waited for an answer and Michael made a gagging sound to finish his joke. It took you a second to realize he was talking about blowjobs, and you made a face. Everyone else laughed and they noticed you shaking your head at his dirty joke.

"Michael Clifford that is disgusting! I cannot believe you!" You laughed and hit his arm.

"Aw, is my little (Y/N) embarrassed about the naughty joke?" Luke giggled and grabbed your hand, talking in a baby voice, "You're just too innocent (Y/N), we can't help it," Calum added.
You just shook your head at Luke, because you both knew that, behind closed doors, you were more naughty than you let people think. Luke especially knew that because you were always up for anything new in bed.

You always got shy when you and Michael were doing the dirty. As he would bury his face is your neck, leaving lovebites and nipping at your collarbones, you would suppress your moans as best as you could, scared to make a fool of yourself if you were too loud.
Michael also loved shower sex because you couldn't be too shy. You couldn't cover yourself up in front of him, and he couldn't resist jumping in the shower or bath with you. Not to mention the hard tiled walls in the shower magnified all of the noises you make, and it was in those times you were the loudest you ever were. He loved it.


well this was weird.
14 reads woah I'm so popular.


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