ribs - lorde

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We can talk it so good
We can make it so divine
We can talk it good, how you wished it would be all the time.

"Hey Calum?"


"Do you sometimes wish you were never so famous, and we were back at home, like when we were younger?" You couldn't help yourself from asking. Sometimes things got so overwhelming, and you wanted to go back and curl up in your childhood bedroom. Sometimes you wanted to run away from everything.

"Everything I've ever wished for is right here with me: a successful career, the boys, my family, and you. Sometimes, though, everything is kind of in your face and you can't do anything about it." He responded slowly. Music played quietly in the background, completing the perfect ambiance. You were just laying there, and talking. You didn't really get to jut stop and talk and catch up very much, so you always cherished the moments you did.

"There are a couple of things that haven't changed at all since 5sos blew up, though," Calum said.

"What are they?" You asked curiously.

"Well, I loved you then and I love you now."


You're the only friend I need
Sharing beds like little kids
And laugh until our ribs get tough
But that will never be enough

Ashton was your best friend, and had been since you were in high school. In school, he was one of your only friends, and he was somewhat cool and popular. He had all of his 'cooler' friends but in the end he always came back to you. Then, he got all famous and wasn't around as much, and you were left alone again.
You were currently laying on your twin sized bed, in the house you grew up in, with Ashton squeezed right next to you, and you couldn't be happier. You picked at your old wall paper, just enjoying the moment. You and Ashton had always shared the bed when he slept over, making you laugh about anything and everything, until you both had laughed yourselves out and fell asleep.

"Ashton, do you ever feel like our friendship just isn't enough?" He turned to face you, eyebrows furrowing at the question.

"Why would think that? I love you and this friendship," he promised you.

"I know, but i just feel like with you traveling the world and being such an amazing person, you're going to forget about me. Like, I'm not enough to make you stay." You sighed.


"I know, it's totally selfish of me to say this out loud. But I just don't want to ever lose moments like these, with you," you told him.

"(Y/N), I can assure you with all my heart that I will try and see you whenever I can. You're always going to be enough for me, no matter what you think. I love you with all my heart."


This dream isn't feeling sweet
We're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone
It feels so scary getting old

"Luke, slow down," you warned him as he zipped up the freeway, much higher than the legal speed limit. It was your eighteenth birthday and you and Luke went out to have some fun, but he insisted you ride with him home, in his new car.

"Come on (Y/N)! We're barely over the speed limit," he assured you, but you shook your head, starting to feel queasy with anxiety. You didn't want to get pulled over, but most of all your didn't want to crash.

"We're ten miles per hour over! Slow down, we're going to crash!" You yelled. He slowed down a bit, but you were still going much to fast for your taste, "Luke. Slow this car down now or I won't speak to you tonight," you growled at him angrily. He shook his head as sped up again. Suddenly , you lurched forward. Luke hadn't been watching where you were going and plowed into the back fender of a car in front of him. The airbags burst into action, but both you and Luke hit your head into the doors. A trickle of blood ran from your right temple, clouding your vision. Luke looked unconscious.

You gasped, sitting up in bed with wide eyes. You were greeted with your room, moonlight washing over your belongings. Luke snored peacefully beside you, and you leaned back down to the bed. Your heartbeat slowed back to normal as you rolled to hold Luke from behind, which surprised him at at first but he quickly relaxed into your arms.


I want 'em back
The minds we had
How all the thoughts
Moved round our head

"I can't think of anything new! Everything sounds the same!" You growled and grabbed another sheet of paper. You and Michael were trying to write a couple of new songs, but your creativity was severely lacking that day.

"I know you're creative, your writing is beautiful and it always has been," Michael said, trying to spark and idea in your mind.

"I can't do it, Mikey. I'm not as creative as I was when we were kids," you told him, getting more and more frustrated. He sighed and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Why don't we take a bath, have some tea and pick this up tomorrow? I think you're just having a bad day," he said and you quickly agreed, pulling him into a hug.

"God, I love you Mikey," you said, smiling into the embrace.


Ack this took so long to write! Sorry Michael's is so bad :/

Check out the song, I have a slight obsession with Lorde.


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