he sees you after you break up

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k so the prompt is basically you see each other years after you break up, and you are with his child that he didn't know about. sorry if it's confusing but jus keep reading k?

You were walking around the grocery store with your 4 year old son when you saw a familiar face.

"(Y/N)! I haven't seen you in forever!" Calum, your ex-boyfriend of almost 5 years, exclaims when he saw you. You turned and greeted him with a warm hug. After all, you were friends before you dated and you really did miss him. You prayed Calum didn't pick up on the resemblance between your son and himself.

"Wow, Calum, it's so nice to see you. I really started to miss your company," You confessed to him. He looked down at your son, who was starting to get impatient and tugging at your hand.

"And what's your little name little guy?" He asked, leaning down to your son's height.

"William! And I'm four and three quarters old," he said to Calum, holding four fingers up to show him. Calum smiled but then it dropped as he realized.

"Is he...mine?" He said quietly to you. You nodded and looked back into your little boy.

"I found out a little after we broke up. Will doesn't know," you told him, finally meeting his eyes. Will whined and tugged on your hand once more.

"Mom lets gooo! Sorry Mister, but we have to go now," your son told Calum. He chuckled and you hushed Will.

"I think... Well, I think we should try again, or at least see each other more often. After we broke up, I was a mess and it took me ages to get over you. I never would have left if I knew you were pregnant, I never should have left in the first place," Calum said, still looking at his little boy in front of him. You nodded in agreement, and wrote your number and address on a napkin. He smiled and gave you one last hug before you walked away, already happier that he was back in your life.

"Mommy! My new teacher is the best! Today he brought his drum set to the class and let us try them out. He told me I was really good and that I should tell you!" Your 8 year old daughter told you as she flung her backpack on the kitchen table.

"Oh yeah? You don't miss Mrs. Holland at all?" You ask her in amusement. She had hated her old 2nd grade teacher, but the teacher's husband died and she decided to retire right in the middle of year, leaving the class to a new and younger teacher. Your little girl seemed to be loving her new teacher.

"Oh, not at all! Mr. Irwin is so much cooler than her. He's cute, too!" She giggled, and you froze as the words came out of her mouth.

"What was his name?" You asked in astonishment.

"He said his name was Ashton Irwin," she informed you. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt your heart flutter. You had never stopped loving that man, even after not seeing him for so long, because you had a reminder of him with you all the time: your daughter. You could barely process the thought, because your daughter's new teacher was her father.

"Sweetie, I think I'm going to have a chat with your great new teacher tomorrow morning," you told her and smiled,"and yes, he is pretty cute."

Your and your 3 year old daughter were walking through a record store, looking for a vinyl record from your favorite band when you saw the band Five Seconds of Summer's first album. You smiled and picked it up, looking at how young all of the boys were at the time. You had met Luke just before he released that album, and you two dated for a good three years before a rough break up. Although it was a bad split, you still missed Luke; you having his daughter was a daily reminder of him.

"(Y/N)? Is that really you?!" A voice exclaimed behind you. You spun quickly, shoving the old CD behind you. You turned to face Luke, looking as great as ever.

"Luke! Wow, it's been forever," you sighed as you looked him up and down. The fluttering pain just below your chest flared up as you saw him in person for the first time in so long.

"Yeah, it really has. What music are you looking for?" He asked as tried to peek around your back to see what you were holding. You attempted to secretly put the disk back on the rack behind your back, but it resulted in your dropping it as cracking open.

"Oh! Uh, nothing, Annabeth and I were just looking around," you told him with a bright red face as you bent down to pick the disk up.

"Annabeth...? You have a daughter?" He asked in puzzlement, while kindly overlooking the fact you had been looking at his album.

"Um, yeah. She is turning 4 this year," you told him. His mouth opened to say something but then all of a sudden his eyes widened and he closed it.

"3 years old? That was when we were dating," he said in a hushed voice.

"Yes, Luke. She is your daughter. I found out the day after we broke up, but your band was doing so well and we weren't even dating anymore, so I didn't want to burden you and the boys with a baby girl when you were traveling the world and everything," you said to him. He looked at his feet, needing time to soak it in.

"I can't believe I'm a father. I can't believe you didn't tell me! I would've been a good father to her, whether we were together or not. You know that, don't you?" He said in a strained voice, looking at your daughter.

"Luke... It isn't too late to be a father. I'm not saying we have to try again, but you should get to know her. Well, we could try again but I think it would take me some time to get used to it," you said looking back into his blue eyes. He nodded vigorously,

"(Y/N), I haven't stopped thinking about you and what we could've been since we broke up. I want to try again, but most of all I want to be the father I should've been for the past 3 years," he said, grabbing your hand. You could barely believe what he was saying. You were overjoyed, but everything was happening so quickly. You couldn't speak, so you grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him, while your daughter whined about how gross it was.

You and your 13 year old son were at dinner at a new diner, also your workplace. You were a single mother, so working hard was essential and there was never much time to go to dinner, so you simply decided to eat there. A man walked up to you as you chatted with your son.

"Excuse me, ma'am, do you work here? There appears to be nobody at the counter," he said. You looked up to recognize him as Michael, your long-time ex boyfriend. As Michael caught your eye, his eyes widened in shock.

"(Y/N)! Wow, it's been so long. You look so much older," he told you, running his hand over his already thinning hair," I mean, not in a bad way! You still look great," he blurted out. You smiled and stood to shake hands.

"Well, Michael, people tend to look older after nearly 14 years," you said to him in amusement. He looked at your son and looked back at you.

"Does he know he's mine? I mean, I'm sorry to just blurt it out like that," he asked quietly as your son scrolled through his phone, oblivious to you two.

"How did you know?" You said quietly.

"Well, (Y/N), I'm not an idiot. He looks exactly like me, even at first glance," he told you.

"Look, now that you know, I'm not going to force you to be his father if you don't want it," you said to Michael. He shook his head immediately.

"No! I want to be with you, whether it's being his father or simply being your friend. I miss you, and i miss seeing you. It's been so long and I'm sorry if this is all too much for you but it's how I feel," Michael said in a rush.

"I would love to be your friend, if you want it. In fact, would you like to join us?" You both slid into the booth, and Michael grinned at his son.

"Hi! I'm your da-"

"Mom's friend! Son, meet Michael," you glared at Michael as he giggled.



Sorry I got so carried away on Luke's whoops.


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