Chapter 1

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*Lucy's POV*

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!!! How could we do that?! DiD wE eVeN uSe PrOtEcTiOn!?! I thought as my thoughts got even more frantic. However I was snapped out of my thoughts when Levy sat next to me.

"Hey Lucy.... I need to tell you something..." Levy said nervously. She isn't calling me Lu-chan... this must be really serious. 

"What's up Levy?" I say feigning happiness. 

"Uhm... Well you see..." She said awkwardly, "You know how yesterday everyone got drunk..?" I nod in response to her question, "Well.. I kinda sorta maybe slept with Gajeel..." She whisperers nervously. 

"WHA-!" I start to shriek before she cuts me off by covering my mouth and glaring at me. "I did too" I admit, feeling embarrassed, "And before you ask, it was with Natsu..." Levy let out a shriek before I cut her off. I noticed that Erza was looking at us in shock and wondered if she had caught on. 

*Erza POV*

I hear see Levy and Lucy talking in hushed tones, and I feel a pang somewhere... Strange. I walk over to listen to their conversation and heard Levy say, "...slept with Gajeel...." followed by Lucy shrieking and Levy cutting her off. Lucy then whispered something that I couldn't make out to Levy, and a reverse situation happened with Lucy shushing Levy. 

I walked over to their table and whispered "Did you sleep with someone as well? I uhm..." I stopped for a second, my face tinting pink. Welp. There's no going back now I guess. "sleptwithJellal" I said really fast as my face turned beet red. 

They both looked at me in shock for a second before smiling. "Let's meet up at my place, and we can talk more about our situation."

*Juvia POV*

I walk into the guild as normal as possible. "Juvia!" Lucy calls me over where she, Levy, and Erza are sitting. I walk over as Lucy worriedly asks "Are you alright? Your eyes are red, and there sure tear marks going down your face..."

Tears make their way down their face as I whisper "I slept with Grey..." Confusion and relief is evident on their faces. "What is it I ask?"

"Well you see..." Levy  starts as Lucy finishes, somehow all of us slept with someone drunk, so we were thinking about going to my place for a sleepover to talk it out." 

Tears slip down my face as I smile. "Thank goodness its not just me..." I say.

On the Opposite Side of the Guild

*Mira POV*

Lisanna comes over to me as I serve orders to the guild. "Mira-nee, I need to talk to you" she says as Evergreen comes over. 

"Perfect" Evergreen says, "I need to talk to you guys too."

We walk to the back of the guild. "Well, since no one is saying anything, I'll just say it." She states after a minute. "I slept with Elfman yesterday when we were drunk. And I'm guessing you two have similar stories, since you guys weren't at home."

Lisanna and I inhaled sharply. "Your right. I slept with Laxus, what about you, Lisanna?" I asked my younger sister.

She mutters a single name. "Bixslow..."

Shock runs through me, but I take the initiative saying "Okay, Let's meet up at the drugstore to pick up pregnancy tests." Lisanna and Evergreen nod in agreement. "Alright then, lets go back before anyone notices that we're missing." As we start to head back a voice stops us.

"Hey." It was Cana, my heart starts to race at the sight of her. Calm down Mira! I yell at myself. I heard your guys' conversation, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I'm in the same boat as you all. I slept with Freed. Mind if I join you later?" She says nonchalantly.

"No problems here" I say looking at the others to try and calm my heart down. They nod their heads and I say, "Alright, then its settled."

*Wendy POV*

I pulled out the lacrima that I used to talk to Chelia everyday. Tear were still slipping down my cheeks when Chelia answered. 

"Wendy, what happened to you?" She asks frantically. As I explain what had happened, and how I only felt that I could talk to her. "Wendy, did can you remember if you used protection that day?"

"P-protection..?" I stammered uncertainly.

Chelia gasped. "I'll be in Magnolia soon, so we can go to the drugstore together and get a pregnancy test for you. I'll be there for you just in case you are pregnant" Chelia said sincerely as I blushed. 

"Thank you so much Chelia!" I exclaimed. "When you get here," I started, "I- I have something to tell you!" I blurted as my face turned red. Chelia gave a me knowing smile.

"Wendy, you are so dense..." Chelia muttered. 

"Chelia did you say something?" I asked unsure of what she had said.

"Its nothing Wendy, I'll be in Magnolia later today, wait for me." she said with a wink as she ended the call. How do you do this to me Chelia... I thought as my heart beat a million miles per minute.

At the Drugstore

*Mira POV*

I walked into the drugstore with Evergreen, Lissana, and Cana. When we got to the aisle that sold pregnancy tests we saw three people getting the tests together.

"LUCY?! WENDY?! And CHELIA??" All of us ask together, "What are you guys doing here?"


I apologize for the inconvenience. I accidentally published it early, although I don't know how that happened. The next chapter should be out in 1-2 weeks. I'm sorry for the slow chapter releases.

Word Count (Not including the after note thing): 898 Words

Also please feel free to leave comments. I know that my work isn't the best, so I would really appreciate any positive criticism.

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