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Yearning. What an elusive thing. Yearning has manifested itself in a myriad of ways in my lifetime. I've always yearned to discover who I really am, but at this point, that's a silly goal isn't it?  People are always trying to figure themselves out. That's just the human condition. But I find it particularly challenging to unravel the complicated garment that is myself. 

"Are they up yet?" An obscured voice rang muffled in the blackness. 

"I don't think so. Let them sleep." Another one sounded.

"They've been through hell." The first one sighed.

"They look like it too." A third chuckled. 

I painfully rolled over and pried my eyelids open. Three fuzzy figures stood over me. My eyes adjusted to view a homely bunch; a girl with dirty blonde hair and a dirt-streaked white dress; a tall, wiry boy sporting a blue sweatshirt, and a chubby, grimy, golden-haired boy casually donning a pair of bloody overalls. I shot up, now alert. My fight-or-flight sense was going into overload. 

"Who-who are you?" I demand groggily, almost choking on my own saliva.

"Woah, calm down! We're here to help you!" The wiry one gently pushed me back onto my pillow. He exchanged an uneasy glance with the girl, then turned his attention back to me. Three pairs of eyes were staring at me like I was a breakable object, about to shatter at any given moment.

"Where am I?" My tone cooled down, but I grew more alert by the second. 

"You're in my house. In Florida. Don't you remember how you got here?" Wiry boy queried. 

"What? Of course I do. I remember..." I trailed off, unable to picture my journey to this strange abode.

"I guess it's worse than we thought." The girl said to the two boys. "This is going to sound mental, but can you... do anything?" She turned to me.

"What do you mean? I... god I think so... but... I can't remember what." I bit my nail. "In fact, I think I know exactly what you mean." My mind drew an endless void where my memories should be. I had a gut feeling that I wasn't normal. Maybe I was going completely insane, or perhaps I was right.

"Good, that's a start, now can we go? We got everything we need to know from this... this stranger." The chubby one spoke up. 

"Not now you rat! You were the one who wanted to take them here anyways!" The girl raised her voice. I couldn't help but notice a little spark flying from her fingertip. Maybe it was just my imagination.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what are your names?" I mildly inquired.

"God you've really lost it. Can't even remember our names, aye Jake?" The filth-ridden boy shook his head.

The one who I assumed was Jake, spoke up as he wedged his elbow in the boys ribs. "I'm Jake, as you heard from Enoch there."

"And I'm Emma. Pleased to make your acquaintance!" The girl nodded sweetly in my direction.

"And I'm Enoch." The chubby one glowered. 

"And I'm... well, lets just go with Dorian for now." I can't believe I forgot my own name. 

"Lovely. I'll... I'll get you some tea, Dorian." Emma flounced into the other room.

"And I'll grab you some pizza. Does that sound alright?" Jake laid his hand on my shoulder, I nodded.

He left, leaving me with Enoch. The boy sat on a small chair in the corner of the room,  glaring at the floor.

"Can you at least tell me what happened to me?" I urged, as he looked up from the ground, meeting my eyes.

"Do you really wanna know? Ignorance is bliss, luv." His cockney accent tinged his words brilliantly.

"Yeah. You know what, I would like to know what the fuck happened." My tone grew more aggressive as I sat up among the fluffy pillows. 

"Fine then," his eyes narrowed as he spoke. "Someone made a big mistake, and we had to fix it."

"Tell me more." I commanded.

"Nah. I don't... I don't think I will." An almost unintelligible hint of sadness lingered around his words. Why? 

"Asshole." I fired, crossing my arms. 

He grinned at me, but it didn't reach his eyes. They were swimming with confusion and hurt. He exited the room and slammed the door. 

Soon, the others returned with food and drink, we made empty small talk as I continued to pry about what occurred. Finally, Emma broke. 

"Alright. In the morning, you will talk with the bird. She will meet you here at 8:00 sharp." 

Who was the bird?

Yearning//Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now