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Limbs flailing through the unbridled night, my screams silenced by the consuming howls that roared through the air. 

Then, intense quiet. Urgent calm. 

Hands spreading across the damp floor in an attempt to feel something... 

but all I knew was silence and blood. 

I flew out of bed, half-blinded by the invasive ray of sun shining through a thinly curtained-window. I granted myself a moment to regain my senses after my disorienting dream, and glanced around the room, only to view that Enoch was gone. I sighed and rubbed my arms, and decided to search for something to clothe myself in. It didn't take much brain power to realize that I came to Jakes house with only the clothes on my back (literally), and said clothes were in the wash. Against the wall, there was a slight dresser, so I figured my best luck would be in there. I threw open a drawer, and it's contents included a myriad of jarred organs. No luck. I opened another, which contained a few button-down shirts, a pair of suspenders, dusty slacks, and a hideous knit sweater. I quickly gathered some of the articles in my arms and locked the door. 

I emerged wearing a gray button-down with a few suspicious splotches on it. I was forced to wear the black slacks, since they were preferable to going down in my underwear, and I topped off the ensemble with a pair of inky suspenders. I strode down to the breakfast table, where intriguing smells emanated, and crossed my fingers that Enoch would be okay with me wearing his clothes. 



"I don't have to tell them anything! Nothing happened for Christ's sake!" A voice roared from the dining room, moments later, Enoch stormed out, not before looking me up and down, a smirk painting his face. He roughly bumped my shoulder as he passed me, and I meandered into the room. As soon as I entered, everyone's head spun around to view me. 

"Uh... is everyone ok?" I awkwardly asked, stopping in my tracks. 

"You and Enoch snogged last night, didn't you?!" Olive announced happily, stating it as a fact and less like a question.

"Uh-" I was at a momentary loss for words.

"Olive! Don't bring this up at the table!" Emma scolded the girl. 

I sat down hesitantly. 

"Look! They're even wearing his clothes!" Claire pointed in disbelief. 

"Hey hey, calm down! I only had one outfit, and that's being washed, so I had to... improvise..." I explained, my tone coming off as defensive. "How do you know- why do you say that me and him... kissed... last night?"

Horace studied the floor, mumbling something under his breath. I asked him to speak up.

"My dreams are never wrong." He muttered apologetically. 

"But you didn't have to share them with everyone!" I shot out of my seat, now roiling. 

"I'm sorry- I just- I just... I don't know." He threw his hands down in defeat. "I apologize. It was extremely immature of me to do this." 

"It's alright, just please, next time, keep stuff like that to yourself, or wake up for gods sake!" 

"It doesn't really work that way..."

"Can we eat without too much excitement?" A disembodied voice came from the end of the table.

"Yeah, lets all calm down and enjoy this terrific meal that Horace made us." Jake agreed, while Horace beamed. And our meal was eaten in peace.

Yearning//Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now