A Crew of Unusuals

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It only took me a moment to become acquainted with the tight-knit group of peculiars. They all introduced themselves with gusto, sometimes talking over each other with their eagerness. However, I knew that they possessed knowledge that I didn't have, whether it be about the past few days, or the world of peculiardom. So everything felt forced. I can imagine them introducing themselves to me for the second time, and me not recognizing them was a shock, but it wasn't just for them. All that being said however, I felt accepted and protected in this motley crew. Their names and abilities varied in range and usefulness, so I shall quickly tell you readers who they were. 

Horace Somnusson- a platinum blonde boy who appeared to be 14, sported a crisp tuxedo and had a monocle covering one eye. His peculiarity included having prophetic dreams, however, thoughts of clothes mostly dominated his sleeping brain. 

Claire Densmore- a small girl who looked 5 years of age, but was really much older. To accompany her doll-like face, she had yellow ringlets and a frilly blue dress, along with a gaping maw full of sharp teeth on the back of her head. 

Millard Nullings- the invisible boy who enjoyed studying maps. Sorry, that's all I could come up with.

Emma Bloom- she had dirty blonde hair, a tired white dress, and a beautiful and alert face with sharp, inquisitive features. She looked to be 16, about as old as Jake. Her peculiarity consisted of lighting a dancing fire in her hand. 

Jacob Portman- tall, lanky, extremely ordinary. However what meets the eye can be deceiving; he of course is the groups hollow-hunter.

Olive Abroholos Elephanta- she appeared young, I would say about 8 years old, but I believe she mentioned being 75. She had bushy brown hair, elegantly perched atop it was a plastic tiara. Her dress was a light lavender, and her shoes made loud clumping noises when they hit the ground, for they had weights in them, to keep her from floating away. 

Hugh Apiston- bees. Bees everywhere. Flying out of his mouth, around the room, and escaping the confines of the house to buzz outside. Hugh was in the body of a 17 year old, with a long, sharp face and cropped brown hair. He was extremely tall, and towered over almost all of the peculiars. But he needed to stop talking about bees.

Bronwyn Bruntley- she was a super-humanly strong girl, with arms the width of a spaghetti noodle. She had brown eyes that complemented her short hair of the same color. Freckles dotted her face, which was always held in a grin. 

And finally...

Enoch O'Connor- the deadraiser. He wore a permanent smirk which hung under his inky shiners. His hair was dirty blonde and unruly under a brown cap. He appeared to be around 15 or 16, but claimed to be in his early 100's. He always had a crude homonculus sidekick crawling about his shoulders. 



We consumed a frivolous dinner, consisting of duck confit and many other French dishes that I couldn't pronounce. Horace had cooked them up with ease, and created a spread for all of us proudly. We all ravenously dug in, and before I took my first bite, I was bombarded with questions. 

"So what can you remember?" Olive inquired.

"Can you give us normalling lessons with Jake?" Bronwyn chimed in.

"What's your peculiarity?" Horace queried. 

"Children, we mustn't suffocate our new friend, let them adjust and for birds sake let them eat!" Miss Peregrine chastised from the head of the table. 

"No, it's ok, Miss Peregrine." I assured, taking a small bite. "To answer Horace- I don't actually know my peculiarity. I guess I should've figured it out by now. But I hope you guys will help me with it, unless of course this was all a mistake and I'm actually just completely ordinary!" I chuckled uneasily. 

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