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A deafening chatter was the way I would describe the morning hours. The house sprang to life at the obscenely early hour of 6:00. Even the vines creeping up the side of the structure seemed to twist and dance to the tune of the young sun and the soft breeze accompanying it. 

I was somewhat still in a dreamlike trance when I descended into the land of the living, still trying to grasp at a different fantasy that lived in my head. However a small tugging on my shirt woke me from my stupor.

"Dorian! Dorian! We are going to the mall today!" I guided my eyes down to see Olive with a wide grin, revealing her prominent tooth gap. 

I had heard talk of the mall for the few days I had been living with the peculiars, every utterance of it being like referring to a mystical destination. However, a Florida mall was far from opulent. 

"Oh- yes it seems like we are!" I answered hastily.

"You are gonna help us with our normalling lessons, right?" She inquired, her fake tiara almost toppling off of her skull as she tilted her head. 

"Sure, but let me wake up first. Do you know if Horace can make a strong cup of coffee?" I trailed off as she shot me a weird look and released her grip from my shirt and I drifted to the kitchen. 

Horace was finessing a slew of pots and pans perched on the stove, he seemed giddy and determined as he gracefully brought a wooden spoon up to his lips to taste. 

"Good morning!" I yawned as I moved closer to the tempting food. 

"Good morning! I can see you were looking at the food when you said that, so I'm not entirely sure who that "good morning" was directed at!" He teased curtly. 

"Obviously the food- don't flatter yourself!" I chuckled as I gave him a light punch to the arm. 

"Ow! This is a vintage suit, Dorian!" He protested as he quickly brought a hand up to rub his arm. 

"Dude, you're vintage!" 

"Why I never- I guess you're right." Horace agreed with a huff. 

"I'll set the table for you, as an apology, and in gratitude for all the amazing meals you've been making for us." I offered, hoping to have not bruised his feelings too badly. 

"Well, that would be quite nice. Thank you." He nodded.




"I am going up to Mr. O'Connors room to see what exactly was keeping him from breakfast!" Miss Peregrine stood up from the table as plates were being cleared, jostling it and sending an almost noticeable bolt of fear through all of us. 

She walked slowly, as if each step was preserving her collectedness. 

"Did you see him when you awoke this morning?" She inquired.

"To be honest, I cannot remember. I was kinda groggy and sort of forgot he existed." I admitted sheepishly. 

"Well, you had quite a night, so that is understandable. I hope it is alright with you if I share the news of your newfound peculiarity with my wards?" 

I paused before answering. I knew that everyone should know-they deserved to, however I was worried... worried that they would treat me differently. I saw how they acted around Enoch; frightened and on edge. I wasn't keen on them viewing me as someone to feel uneasy around. 

"Yes. You may tell them." I sighed and gave in. I owed it to all of them. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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