Chapter 60 Part 1 & 2: Grande Finale

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"Ahh, heavenly law......." a trace of indignation streaked across her heart. She used to respect the heavenly law, everything abiding by the heavenly law's rules and regulations. But what did she get? The heavenly law was merciless, treating all living things as dogs. Wanting the humans to live prosperously, but not giving the demons and deities any way out. What mistakes did the living things in Dan Qiu Mountain make? Some of them had just received their enlightenment but died under the heavenly thunder. 

Previously, she had always regarded blessing and protecting humans as her responsibility. She wouldn't do what the heavenly law didn't allow. However, at the moment she only thought of Ah He. Ah He already underwent the cycle of reincarnation for 3,000 years. In each life, he suffered from being swallowed by inauspicious aura, unable to live past 30 years old. 

The heavenly law was so unfair!

Qinglong saw Yun Rong's pitch-black pupils turn slightly red and was greatly alarmed. He no longer attended the acute pain in his tail and actually broke off his own tail, wanting to escape. In a frightened voice he said: "Mountain demon, you are straying and going to become evil!"

Yun Rong came out of her stupor and threw Qinglong's broken tail into the sea. She chased after him and said: "Either way I'd receive the punishment from heaven, what's your concern whether I become evil or not. I advise you to stop wasting strength, today I must take the blood from your heart."

While speaking, Yun Rong raised her hand and in an instant, a huge green net spread open towards Qinglong, immediately trapping him. Her fingers tightened and the mouth of the huge net closed up in a flash, just like fishing, holding Qinglong inside. 

"Aahhh, so painful. Mountain demon, you won't have a good death!" The spiritual influence was just like red-hot iron, burning into Qinglong's skin and flesh. Dragon scales as big as a washbasin fell off one by one and the dragon's body was suddenly badly mangled. Qinglong shrieked in agony. 

Hearing Qinglong's words, Yun Rong smiled with a trace of ridicule: "As a dragon race, you harmed humans, treating them as food. There's sin in your body yet you still live well. I merely act on behalf of the heavenly law, why won't I have a good death?" 

While talking, she tightened the net in her hand even more.

The pain on his body intensified, yet he didn't have a way to break free. Qinglong let out an angry dragon sound and bellowed: "Because I'm a dragon! You are just a tiny mountain demon. 3,000 years ago, you were nothing but an ant crawling under the foot of the ancestor!"
"Yes ah, it's precisely because you are a dragon that the heavenly law is so unfair. Have you ever thought that the ant could kill you today!" Yun Rong looked at Qinglong as if she was looking at a dead thing.

Her voice just fell and a formidable power directly pressed down. Even Qinglong who was inside the net broke out in a cold shiver and he used up his whole body's strength to struggle. 

Qinglong's descendant, even if he didn't have any capability, it was also not someone that could be killed easily. Let alone, he was exerting his full strength. The net made from spiritual influence broke into pieces with a bang. Qinglong took the opportunity to sink into the bottom of the ocean.

Yun Rong showed a hint of impatience and chased after him at once. There were layers of darkness inside the sea, the ice-cold seawater submerged her whole body in an instant, just like an open mouth into an abyss, able to swallow her into its stomach immediately.

Yun Rong was a mountain ghost, a demon on dry land. There was always a kind of fear towards water. In front of the huge ocean, all living things became awfully insignificant. 

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