Shitty Home Lives

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Bose yelled from behind, getting Chapa's attention. The two of them were headed to the Man's Nest to see what Ray and Schwoz had planned for them today.

"Oh, hey, Bose."

"Cool if I walk with you?"

Bose asked as he and Chapa continued to walk.

"You already are."

"You're right. So I guess it's a yes then."

The two young heroes proceeded to banter. They got up to the Man's Nest to find that Mika and Miles had already gotten there before them. Chapa and Bose always seemed to arrive after the twins because they enjoy talking over walking.

"Why do you two always arrive far after we do?"

Mika asked Chapa and Bose.

"Cause they prefer to flirt more than learn."

Miles smarted off. He immediately heard Chapa's hands sparking, causing him to regret making that comment.

"Woah. Chill out, chill out, Chapa."

Bose calmly said, putting his hand on her wrist to calm her down.

"He was just kidding."

Bose really wasn't denying Miles' remark. The boy actually had a major crush on Chapa. He was afraid to tell her, seeing as how she could electrocute the boy if she didn't feel the same way.

"I'm calm, I'm calm."

Chapa said as she scooted closer to Bose.


-Chapa's POV-

I wasn't actually that upset at Miles' remark about Bose and me flirting. Honestly, I do have a big crush on him, but I decided to keep that to myself so I wouldn't have to be rejected. I do notice a lot that Bose does flirt with me, but it could just be platonic, right? Every single time I'm around Bose I get a whole swarm of butterflies in my stomach, and it feels like all of my problems go away. Though, I know damn well that I can't escape my problems. Can't escape my abusive father or getting beaten by him.


I got home from school and when I walked in, I immediately got a huge wiff of alcohol and cigarette smoke. It was so fucking nauseating, I was so close to vomiting. I went straight to my bedroom before my dad could see that I was here. I was already a bit sore from the four crime fights we had today, and I definitely didn't want him near me. He smelled worse than the whole house did. As soon as I layed down to rest for a few minutes, I immediately heard my door open.

"Not even gonna come tell me that your stupid ass is home?"

My dad asked.

"You usually hear me when I come in."

"Well, what's going on in here? Why do you look like you're about to take a nap?"

He asked. I already knew where this was heading.

"Because I want to take one?"

"Uhh, no. Absolutely not. Get off your lazy ass and be useful around here for once."

"Dad, I'm sore. Please, just let me rest for a little bit."

I don't even know why I was even trying with him. I already knew the answer. Getting the shit beaten out of me.

"From what?! Sitting at a goddamn desk all day?!"

"I had Gym class right before I came home.."

"Good. Maybe you'll lose some weight, little fatass."

My dad had never actually said anything about my weight until now. I don't even know why, the old man has basically forced anorexia upon me by not letting me eat anything. The fucker was literally forcing me to starve.

"I guess you starving me to damn near death isn't working fast enough for you, huh?"

After I made that comment, he immediately slammed my door shut and locked it as he began taking his belt off. I instantly regretted making that comment, and now I was gonna pay for it.


-Bose's POV-

After I got home from school, I went to the kitchen to grab me a pudding tube to snack on and took it up to my room. Before I got there though, my older step-brother decided to tackle me to the floor for absolutely no reason. He did this everyday and it got old quick.

"Hey baby brother!! Were you able to fit any useful knowledge in your dumbass head?"

He asked, still keeping me pinned to the floor. I hated when he'd make comments about how mentally slow I was.

"Ugh.. Get the hell off me, Ben!"

"Answer my question and I will."

"For fuck's sake... Yes! Now get off!"

Once he was off, I tried to go straight to my bedroom, but before I could even start walking, Ben grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him.

"Hey, I got a question for ya."

He said, acting as if he really had a serious question.

"What's it like being so fuckin' dumb?"

I really wanted to use my power on Ben, but I knew I wasn't supposed to. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and just glared at him.

"Oooh! Pudding tube!"

Ben said as he jacked my snack out of my hand.

"Uhh... I was gonna eat that."

"Well, now I'm eating it."

He said as he went back in his room. That was my last pudding tube too...


An hour and a half passed by since I got home, and all I could think about was every time that Ben or anyone else made fun of me for having ADHD. Everyone acts like I chose to have it. I fucking didn't. All I did was get my ass kicked when I went to regular school, which wasn't that long ago. All because I had a learning disability. I was so glad that I was at Ray's hero school now, and there was only four of us. I was unable to be in a class with a lot of people in it. As I started scrolling through my phone, I started thinking about Chapa and how much I truly like her. I really wanted to tell her how I feel, but I was so scared of getting rejected. Suddenly,  my thoughts of Chapa were interrupted by my stomach growling. Ben jacked my last pudding tube and there was nothing else I wanted to snack on. Dinner wasn't for another couple of hours and I could feel the hunger pains setting in.

I decided to make Bose have an older step-brother who's probably... I'll say 16... and I just went with Ben for the name. *shrug*

Most of this book is probably gonna turn into whump or a sickfic... idk

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