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Your book(s) are waiting to be checked by one of the group admins and we will let you know if you are successful.

ImagineWriter07 Your book has been sent to an admin.

Unfortunately we are unable to promote every book submitted to us. If your name is on this list then I'm sorry but we have been unable to promote your book.

Thank you for submitting your story. Unfortunately we were unable to promote it. However, we think you would benefit from joint a read for read book club or a writing community who Che will help you to improve your book.

Thank you for  submitting your story, but unfortunately we were unable to promote it. Please consider joining our read for read book club or our Discord writing community as I think they will really help you.

Travi_labaddie Thank you for submitting your story. Your book has been checked by a group moderator and unfortunately we are unable to promote it on this occasion. However, you are more than welcome to take part in our book club and/or our writing community.

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