Chemistry lab...

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              As soon as I left Ashton's house my cellphone rang. I removed my cell from my back pocket to see that jenny was calling me. I picked it up and as I was about to say hello jenny beat me to it. " You won't believe what happened today Emma! I swear I am gonna kill that idiot, stupid, moronic bastard. How dare he! Are you even listening to me Emma? " she shouted through the phone.

             " How can I not listen jenny when you are practically making me deaf by all this shouting. Now calm down, will you?? " I told her calmly. I heard her taking a deep breath. " You are right Emma, I will meet you tomorrow in school and explain everything to you. Bye! " she said and hanged up on me. Wasn't she who called me at the first place to say ?? I swear this girl is weird. Actually ' crazy ' sounds better for her.

           I got in the car and began driving towards my house. Stupid me! I shouldn't have been so casual with him. I promised myself that I won't encourage him now to talk to me. But whenever he's there something inside me makes me happy. I don't know! It's just that his presence only make me somewhat alive. I think I am the crazy one here. I really need to get my head checked. Soon I was parking in my home's driveway. I got out of the car, took my bag and went inside.

            " Why are you so happy? " my mom asked as soon as I entered the house. Seriously Emma?? Are you this happy to visit Ashton that you can't even keep that grin away from your face. I immediately stopped smiling and said " Nothing mom. Just our project work went good " I knew for the fact that she wasn't convinced at all but she didn't question me further for which I was thankful for. Suddenly my leg was being hugged. I looked down to see my baby bro hugging me. I bent down and squeezed him even tighter. I love him to the core.

             After getting in the room I started working on my school work and also on the reports for my club. Dinner went good as always. I went back to my room and plopped down on the bed. I was too tired today. Immediately I slept.


              As soon as I entered the college next day, I was tackled by jenny. From the look on her face I can see that she want to tell me something important. As I came little early today. I took her to our spot under the tree and told " Spill ". Apparently one word was enough for jenny to open her mouth and say all the things which I never expected to come from her. After she finished her story, I sat there my mouth slightly opened.

          " Now you see, I hate that Jerky Jake" I sniggered at the name that she used for Jake. I can now understand that why she was being so hysteric. I mean common? Her first kiss was stolen. Who wouldn't go hysterical if their first kiss was stolen?

          " Calm down jenny. We will definitely find a way to teach him a lesson. " I consoled her. " No Emma, forget it. Abort revenge. I will ignore him. He doesn't deserve my attention. And I know for the fact that, that kiss doesn't mean anything to him. " For the first time I was impressed by jenny. She was being mature about this whole incident. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

             We both stood up and went to our classes. My first class was chemistry. Wait! What? Chemistry? Oh no. I have to face Ashton again now and seeming that he is my partner I can't avoid him.I entered my class to see most of the students already inside. I scanned the class to see that Ashton hasn't come till now. I breathed a sigh of relief. I settled down. After five minutes Ashton came inside followed by the teacher. As soon as he saw me, he came to sit beside me. " Hi Em" he grinned at me.

" Hi" I greeted back in monotone. I don't want him to know that we are friends because we are not.

             Soon the class started but today sir told that we can work on our projects quietly in the class. Why?? Wasn't tolerating him outside the school was not enough that now I have to talk to him in the class also? I sighed and turned towards Ashton to find him already looking at me.

          As I opened my mouth to say something, he beat me to it, " Are you earwax because I can't get you out of my head??" He questioned me. I was confused and was about to ask what the hell was he speaking but again he didn't even let me open my mouth ," My love for you is like diarrhea, it is out of control. " Wth! What is he doing? By this time 2-3 students were already looking our way and were sniggering. I was about to shout at him but oh God , how can I when he won't even give me a chance? "If you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple." After every pick up line his voice started to increase and now half of the class was looking at us. I even gave up trying to stop him coz no matter what he won't let me speak, so why bother?

            " Can I follow you home because my parents always say me to follow my dreams. " at this I crack up a smile and this didn't go unnotice by him. It was like an encouragement he needed to continue with full force. " if being sexy was a crime you'd be guilty as charged ", " I was wondering if you have an extra heart coz mine seems to be stolen ", "excuse me, but I guess I dropped something, my jaw." ,

" are you ChapStick because I wanna rub you all over my mouth " I was so into laughing at his ridiculous pick up lines that I didn't even realize when the teacher came towards us until he banged his fist on our table. " Stop it." I jumped at the sudden noise as well as Ashton .

            " Both of you detention room, tomorrow after school " he shouted at us giving both of us two slips. He went towards his desk and I turned towards Ashton with a scowl on my face. " This is all your fault " I said while poking a finger on his chest. He had a sheepish expression on his face. " How is this my fault sweetheart? I was just commenting on my feelings towards you. " he smirked at me.

" Feelings my foot " I scowled. He simply laughed. Oh God! Why me??


     Detention, here I come...

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