New day...

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          Next day I reached the school a little early as there was a meeting of the reporters club. Did I tell you that I was in the reporters club?? No.. sorry must have slipped from my mind due to all the drama. Well I will tell you now..
There is this reporters club of nerds who report every single important thing going on in the school.. for eg: who won the last soccer match?? Who was the best player?? What courses are been provided?? Bla bla bla... and there are also many columns like love column, study column, sports column etc which are reported by other members. Even jenny is with me in this club. She reports the food column. As I am the main member of the reporters club all the other members give their drafts to me and I personally edit them and finalize it.

          As we were in the middle of our meeting discussing about the important issues that we can put in our newspaper a member of the staff came and announced "Emma Parker is required in the Principal's office now." I got up and told jenny to take care of the club till I am gone."Guys I want the report and your ideas ready by the time I come back" I told them and then went towards principal's office.

            As soon as I reached the door of the office I knocked and after hearing a 'come in' I went inside. Our principal is Mrs.Baker. She's a very sweet lady but can be very threatening too if required. She was in her mid forties. "You  needed me??" I asked her."Yeah Emma.. Please have a seat" she replied politely. As I took a seat she began talking " As the main member of the reporters club Emma I want you to interview the star player of soccer team-Ashton McRae."
"With all due respect mam.. Oliver is responsible for the sports column of our newspaper so why can't he interview Ashton??" " I knew Emma you would ask this question but you know that all the members in reporters club are too shy and with the personality of Ashton I don't think anyone except you could get him to answer properly"

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